This menu option provides access to all the gateways and processes required for a customs or excise warehouse.
How does this work
In general Vision Bond processes, the information it is given from Vision Warehousing, as such you should maintain and check Vision Warehousing setup is correct and the ability to change key settings should be restricted to only the highest level users.
Items which are key to Vision Bond are:
Excise Tax Codes and their rates and how they are paid. (LOL / LOA / HLOA etc)
Customs Duty Tax codes and their rates
VAT Rates
Currency Exchange rates
Landed Goods values
It is important to regularly check the exceptions report in Vision warehousing for the value used for landed goods.
The Warehousing system contains an exception report which allows you to report on values outside what you may call "normal" acceptance and whilst this may only pick up the extreme exceptions it is generally those which cause issues with "W5/W5D" warrant submissions to HMRC as the value for VAT is wrong and also the Acquisition VAT statement would be wrong.
With the exception of the value of the landed goods, all others can be maintained for the higher level of user group access.
Please be aware:
For Excise submissions on ATWD, we will send to HMRC the value of units used, we obtain which value to use from the tax code maintenance table
For example, Spirits are sent in LOA (Litres of Alcohol).
Some can be confusing as they are submitted as HLOL and LOL.
It is important not to get these mixed up or to change them (HMRC in 2016 issued the list with everything in HLOL) some customers then changed the system to do this, however, this is NOT the calculation method they use so there was a potential of paying only 1% of what it should be but also the possibility of paying 100 times more
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