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This is the best place to start looking at the system, this section explains how to start the application, how to logon, the main application menu, using the navigation and glossary and FAQ’s
Vision Bond Current Capabilities | |
Deferment of Excise Duty |
CFSP (Customs Freight Simplified Procedure) |
EMCS (Excise Movement and Control System) |
HMRC Returns |
NES (National Export System) | Preliminary entry requirements for alcohol goods leaving the European Union. |
Most of the functionality within this application is specifically for Customs processes. Warehouses who have customs processes generally understand what they are for and what they should be doing so we have kept explanations of things to basically only cover what is needed within the systems to make it happen. We have not tried to explain how deferments work, for this type of information we suggest you use the HMRC website which contains information on this type of operation. A good place to start is the public notices, such as public notice 197.~ |
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