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09/02/2024 - Pages in this section are being updated for VW v6.10 and contain substantial modifications to the existing pages.

This set of pages explain how to set up a Customer within Vision Warehousing.


Some of the settings on this screen cannot be changed once you have saved the customer successfully. So please be careful when setting up a new customer or changing current settings.


To create a customer we assume the following have already been setup.

  • Analysis (if required)

  • Site

  • Goods In Charge By Line

  • Storage Charges

  • Warehouses

  • Country

  • Currency

    This page deals with the header section and the options shown on the header part of the form. To view information on all the tabs, scroll to the bottom of the page where links are provided.

    Table of Contents
    image-20240209-122254.pngImage Removed

    Each tab on the above form has its own individual page as there is considerable amount of detail required.

    The links on the right will take you to the tab page information

    Child pages (Children Display)
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    To create a customer we assume the following have already been setup.

    • Analysis (if required)

    • Site

    • Goods In Charge By Line

    • Storage Charges

    • Warehouses

    • Country

    • Currency

    Mandatory Fields

    All mandatory fields need to be completed before you will be able to save the customer record.

    In the header section the Customer Code, Site Code, and Customer Name are mandatory to fill in. In case you forget to fill these fields, an exclamation mark icon will indicate you to fill them.


    The bonded customer option is a one-time-only setting option, once set it can never be changed.


    A unique customer code needs to be set up. If you have multiple sites then you should try to ensure that when the same code is used on multiple sites they should both be for the same customer.

    Customer Header Fields

    All fields in this area of the customer setup are mandatory.


    Customer Code

    this should be unique for this customer


    Must be unique in the entire system. If a customer is cloned to another site then you will have the ability to use the same code but to avoid confusion it may be best to keep the codes unique.

    Site Code

    pick the site that this customer will be based, this stock holding account is unique for this customer in this specific site.

    Customer Name

    Full business trading name or if a private individual then their full name.

    Customer Contact

    High level main contact information.

    You can add other contacts through the Contacts tab

    Set Once Options

    The customer options (tick boxes at the top of the screen) are explained below :



    Bonded Customer

    If you have a customs or an excise warehouse, it allows this customer to hold stock which is not duty paid.


    This is a one time setting, you can NEVER change this once the customer is created, it is either BONDED or NOT BONDED.

    Has Reserve Customers

    When you wish to store stocks within the account where those stocks (rotations) belong to other individuals. Each rotation will have a reserve customer associated with it. Learn how to set it up here → Setting Up Reserve Customers


    Once selected, this option can not be undone. It is a one-time option.

    Archive Customer

    As you can not delete a customer from the system the next best option is to archive that customer. It stops any new stocks or products from being added but you will retain all the information for the customer.

    Fixed Product Dimensions on Receipt


    This option should be used with caution - if you do not understand this option then ensure that this is checked for all customers to ensure fixed dimensions are in use.

    This allows you to carry the singles per case (SPC) figure on each rotation you receipt for a product. The product remains as the master record with no changes allowed.
    When placing an order the product master SPC is used to calculate the quantity of singles needed which is then applied to each rotation to fulfil the quantity required.


    This feature is designed predominantly for PRODUCT only ordering via EDI Sales Order XML.


    Ordering using rotation number is not advised when you are using variable dimensions

    Footer Options




    Print Label

    You would be able to print the Customer’s address for a label.


    This will allow you to add or view existing Notes for this specific customer.


    This will allow you to create a new Customer Account and it copying some of the fields from this customer.

    The more obvious buttons are not detailed on the list above.

    Due to the amount of information needed for each tab, separate pages for each have been added and can be reached by clicking on the links below ⬇️

    Child pages (Children Display)