104 Mailing List Detailed

This Report does not work on Report Dates, it searches the whole database.

This Report will show more Detailed information on any Mailing Lists you have set up and the Customers you have attached to these Mailing Lists.

Field Name


Field Limits and Notes

Field Name


Field Limits and Notes

Mailing List Name

The Name of the Mailing List you have created.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Date Created

The Date the Customer Contact was added to the above Mailing List.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


The Title of the above Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

First Name

The First Name of the above Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Sur Name

The Surname of the above Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Full Name

The Full Name of the above Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


The Account Code of the Customer associated to the above Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Account Name

The Name of the Customer associated with the above Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Address 1-4

The Address for the Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


The Postcode for the Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Country Name

The Country for the Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


The Telephone Number for the Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Home Telephone No

The Home Telephone Number for the Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Mobile Telephone No

The Mobile Telephone Number for the Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


The Fax Number for the Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


The Email Address for the Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Account Manager

The Account Manager associated with this Customer .

This field Cannot be Changed here.


The Area for this Customer.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


The Type the Customer has been set up as.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


The Outlet associated with the Customer.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


The Source associated with the Customer.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


The Division associated with the Customer.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


The Classification associated with the Customer.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Preferred Contact

Any Preferred Contact set up against the Customer.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Last Sale Date

The Date of the Most Recent Order Placed for this Customer.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Spend This Year

The Total Amount the Customer Spent This Year.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Spend Last Year

The Total Amount the Customer Spent in the Previous Year.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


The Salutation for the Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


Any Memos set up against the Customer Contact.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

International Client

If the Client is an Overseas Client.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Mailing List Member

Is the Customer Contact is a Member of the Mailing List.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Attend Tastings

If the Customer Contact will Attend Tastings.

This field Cannot be Changed here.


If the Customer is still an Active Customer.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Currency Sign

The Currency the Customer trades in.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Currency Name

The Name of the Currency.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Pricelist Group Name

The Name of any Price List the Customer is attached to.

This field Cannot be Changed here.

Once the results of the Report are retrieved you can filter on 1 or multiple fields to only show some records as per any search criteria you enter.

  • Once you have the records on screen that you wish to see, you can if required extract the information in an XML , CSV or PDF format by clicking on the buttons at the bottom of the screen which will email the results. 

  • Click the button to refresh the report and make sure you are looking at the latest date

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