312 Paid Reserve Rotation Stock
This Report does not use the Report Dates. |
You will see a list of all Product stock held in Paid Reserves. |
Field Name | Description | Field Limits and Notes |
Warehouse | The Name of the Warehouse where the Stock is Stored. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Rotation | The Rotation Number the Stock is Stored against, if you use Rotation Numbers. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Code | The Code of the Product. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Description | The Description of the Product Code. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Vintage | The Vintage of the Product. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Date Received | The Date the Stock was Received. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
TSingle Received | The Total Stock in Singles Received. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
SPC | The Singles Per Case. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
SS | The Size of a Single. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
TSingle | The current Stock Level in Singles. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Cases | The current number of Cases in Stock. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Singles | The current number of Singles in Stock. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Reserve Code | The Customer Reserve Code. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Reserve Name | The Customer Reserve Name | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Once the results of the Report are retrieved you can filter 1 or multiple fields to only show some records as per any search criteria you enter. |
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