611 Outlet Summary
This Report uses the Start and End Dates as set in Report Dates. |
This Report gives the details of the Targets Met and Unmet for your Outlets. The Targets can be set and maintained in Analysis Budgets and Targets. |
Field Name | Description | Field Limits and Notes |
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Results Section:- |
Field Name | Description | Field Limits and Notes |
Oultet Group | The Group Name for the Outlet. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Month | This is the Month for the Report Start Date as set in 'Set Report Dates'. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Month End | This is the Month for the Report End Date as set in 'Set Report Dates'. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Month Budget Sale | The Monthly Sales Budget. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Month Budget Cost | The Monthly Cost Budget. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Month Budget Margin | The Monthly Margin Budget. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Year Budget Sales | The Yearly Sales Budget. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Year Budget Cost | The Yearly Cost Budget. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Year Budget Margin | The Yearly Margin Budget. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Monthly Total Budget Cost | The Monthly Total Cost Budget. | This field Cannot be Changed from here.e |
Monthly Total Budget Margin | The Monthly Total Margin Budget. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Yearly Total Budget Sales | The Yearly Total Sales Budget. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Yearly Total Budget Cost | The Yearly Total Cost Budget. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Yearly Total Budget Margin | The Yearly Total Margin Budget. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division | The Name of the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division Month | The Month for the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division Month End | The Month End for the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division Month Budget Sale | The Monthly Sales Budget for the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division Month Budget Cost | The Monthly Cost Budget for the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division Month Budget Margin | The Monthly Margin Budget for the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division Year Budget Sales | The Yearly Sales Budget for the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division Year Budget Cost | The Yearly Cost Budget for the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division Year Budget Margin | The Yearly Margin Budget for the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division Monthly total Budget Sale | The Monthly Total Sales Budget for the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division Monthly Total Budget Cost | The Monthly Total Budget Cost for the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division Monthly Total Budget Margin | The Monthly Total Margin Budget for the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division Yearly Total Budget Sales | The Yearly Total Sales Budget for the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Division Yearly Total Budget Margin | The Yearly Total Margin Budget for the Division. | This field Cannot be Changed from here. |
Once the results of the Report are retrieved you can filter on 1 or multiple fields to only show some records as per any search criteria you enter. |
Once you have the records on screen that you wish to see, you can if required extract the information in an XML , CSV or PDF format by clicking on the buttons at the bottom of the screen which will email the results. |
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