Warehouse Groups

Warehouse Groups

As this menu only has a single group “System Settings” all the information is contained on this page

All items in this menu should be restricted to only administrator users, changes made in here will have an immediate impact on the system and once changed anything effected will not be able to be fixed.

You can set up the warehouse group using this feature, a warehouse group hosts one or multiple warehouses within it.


The menu option allows you to ADD new warehouse groups, if you want to edit existing warehouse groups use the NAVIGATION MENU and expand the System section by selecting Warehouse Group.

You can set warehouse cost prices along with EDI connectivity, so it will indicate if the Warehouse uses File Extract, Underbond Location, requires Carriers, and use Rotations for example.


General Tab

Field Information

Field Name


Field Name



Your code for this group - can not be changed after being set.


Your name for this group - can not be changed after being set.

Whse Group Code

Your code at the warehouse

Warehouse Company Name

Free text field for the warehouse company name - used on purchase orders for the delivery

Warehouse Group Type

Specify the type of warehouse.

Available in VC API

Stock availability provided by the API

Minimum Delivery Window

This is specified by the warehouse as the minimum delivery window for fixed delivery times, it will not stop you putting in the same time into both fields but if there has to be a window then this will be set to ensure it meets the requirements of the warehouse

Order Cut Off

What is the order cut off time at the warehouse.


You can set a default carrier for your orders placed against this warehouse group

Consolidate Warehouse Despatches

This is no longer used

Under Bond Location

Is this warehouse underbond ? This has an impact on the movement of stocks to and from the warehouse.

Requires Carrier

You must specify a carrier when entering orders, only use this if the warehouse are not operating their own delivery service

Uses Rotations

Does this warehouse use rotations ?


RHD and Rent Charges

If you wish the system to record additional costs associated with your stock in the warehouse to improve the margin information then you can use this simple grid to set up the rates you are being charged by the warehouse.

Field Name


Field Name


Lower Rate applies to

This is the breakpoint in number of litres where the system will use the lower rate below this value.


Goods Inwards charges

Set the lower or higher rate based on the litres of liquid for the product.


Storage of the stock

Set the lower or higher rate based on the litres of liquid for the product.


Used to configure your connection to the EDI service of your warehouse.


The VEDI API information can be obtained from your warehouse.

Field Information

Field Name


Field Name


EDI Send and Receive

Will you be sending or receiving information from the warehouse this would include :

Sending - Product Codes / Purchase Orders / Sales Orders

Receiving - Goods Received / Order Pick Confirmation / Stock snapshot

Submit Products

Options for submitting to the Warehouse if your warehouse has EDI Send and Received ticked

  • Not submitted - this will not submit the product to the Warehouse

  • Manual - You will be able to use the Warehouse Submissions to send the Products to the Warehouse

  • Automatically at SO allocation - once the SO has been allocated this will automatically send the Product Codes to Warehouse

Submit POs

Options for submitting to the Warehouse if you warehouse has EDI Send and Received ticked

  • Not submitted - this will not submit the POs to the Warehouse

  • Manual - You will be able to use the Warehouse Submissions to send the POs to the Warehouse

  • Automatically at SO allocation - once the SO has been allocated this will automatically send the POs to Warehouse

Submit SOs

Options for submitting to the Warehouse if your warehouse has EDI Send and Received ticked

  • Not submitted - this will not submit the SOs to the Warehouse

  • Manual - You will be able to use the Warehouse Submissions to send the SOs to the Warehouse

  • Automatically at SO allocation - once the SO has been allocated, this can be once the order has been saved (see System Configuration Options to set this up) this will automatically send the SOs to Warehouse

Auto Balance Stock Snapshot

if you have this set the stock will be OVER WRITTEN every time a stock snapshot is imported.

Create Products from Stock snapshot

Will automatically create a product when auto-balancing the stock to ensure that all the products are imported.


WH Interface Report email to

When we are retrieving information from the warehouse, in general they should process automatically without any intervention but sometimes the system is unable to work out what it needs to do.

You can have the system send this to you each time it processes the information OR you can only have it sent the exceptions to you.

Use the “email exceptions only” option only have the email sent when there are exceptions to report.


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