Developer API Technical

Developer API Technical

These are technical documents and contain all specifications which are live, in beta or in development. Items marked in BETA are not generally available, check with your warehouse.

The API is a RESTful web service. Queries are passed via URLs constructed and submitted using the HTTP protocol (specifically the GET method), just like a web page. Results can be returned XML

Not all warehouses have this facility enabled as it is not part of the standard EDI application.

You can not receive the outbound files alone, you need to send through the API to receive through the API.


Calling the API


<address> or <pathtoapi>

Varies depending on the warehouse, this is your warehouse FQDN for the service you are accessing e.g. api.companyname.com


All resources within are secured by OAuth tokens, retrieve token first (see Obtaining the Token)


See: Service Limits


Legacy Version

This has now been retired

For versions released pre May 2021.

<address>/<service>/Token/<your token>/Secret/<your secret>/<parameters>


Varies depending on the warehouse


See: https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VEDI/pages/128912006

<your token>

Base64 encode the token you've been given to populate this

<your secret>

Base64 encode the secret you've been given to populate this


See: https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VEDI/pages/128912006

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