Inbound Specifications

Inbound Specifications

This section provides details for all the inbound EDI specifications (sending files into the warehouse)


XML via Email



XML via Email


Product Codes (PC)

Available until 31/12/2024


Pre-Advices (PA)

Available until 31/12/2024


Sales Orders (SO)

Available until 31/12/2024


Manufacturing (MC)

Available until 31/12/2024


Bulk Blending (FO)

Available until 31/12/2024


Links to the specific formats are shown at the bottom of the page


Ontech Solutions provide a testing facility for customers using Vision EDI.

We have detailed our testing process, for further details please goto Testing Inbound EDI Testing Inbound EDI

Before testing please ensure the pre-testing questionnaire is completed.

Questions - send an email to editest@visionsuite.co.uk

Header on XML

Whilst we will read and try to determine what your sending it is advised that all files should begin with the correct header line which is something like the following :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Please do not declare UTF-8 and then send UTF-16 (its like saying you will speak in English and then sending Russian

As our system allows for html4 compatibility please remember to escape special characters within the file.

e.g. & would need to be sent as &amp;

Currently only sending xml files via email is available. We are in the process of testing API XML information transmission and this will be available to all warehouses soon.

Below are links to the sections available from this page,

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