1701 Bulk Blending (FO)
Fusion is the process of mixing multiple components together to make a final product.
This file is sent at the end of the process, as such it is FINAL, and can not be amended as the system will process this automatically within minutes of it being received.
e.g Wine changed into made wine.
File Naming Convention
Your fusion order file names should be for a standard format which will allow us to idenfity any file uniquely for a particular customer code, each fusion order file would begin "FO....."
Either | FOYYMMDD_hhmmssttt.<customer code> | e.g. FO051214_123204000.ABCD1234 | |
or | FOYYMMDD_<orderno>.<customer code> | e.g. FO051214_SO123456.ABCD1234 | |
or | FOYYMMDD_hhmmss_<orderno>.<customer code> | e.g. FO051214_123204000_0123456.ABCD1234 | |
Key | YY = year | MM = Month of the year | DD = Day of month |
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