FO XML Structure
XML Format Section Key
 Section Information
<FUSIONS> | Defines the start of the file of type FUSIONS | Repeat | ||||
<FO> | Defines the start of a fusion order | Yes as many times as required within the <Fusions> tag | ||||
<FH> | Mandatory | FusionHeader | ||||
 |  | </FH |  |  | End of segment |  |
<FD> | Optional | FusionDutyPayment Appears only once within any FO segment | If there is a duty payment to be made then this segment must be sent, if this segment is not present then no duty payment will be made by the system. | |||
 |  | </FD> |  |  | End of segment |  |
<SC> | Mandatory | SourceComponent | Yes as many times as required within the <FO> tag | |||
 |  |  | </SC> |  | End of segment |  |
 | </FO> |  |  |  | Defines the end of a fusion order |  |
</FUSIONS> | Â | Â | Â | Â | Defines the end of the file | Â |
Fusion - XMLÂ
XML FH Section (Finished Output Customer and Product)
XML Element | XML Key Name | Type | Length | Notes | Mandatory / Optional / Conditional [M/O/C] |
<FH>1 | OCustomer | A | 8 | Â The customer code | M |
<FH>2 | OSite | A | 2 | The site code where the receiving customer is based. | M |
<FH>3 | DocRef | A | 20 | Â | M |
<FH>4 | Date |  D |  | dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yy | M |
<FH>5 | OPCode | A | 50 | Â The Product code of the product you are making | M |
<FH>6 | OUnits | I | In general if dealing with bulk liquid then this is the total number of litres | C - Either <FH>6 or <FH>7 must be greater than 0 | |
<FH>7 | OSubUnits | I | In general if dealing with bulk liquids then this is Total number of ml / cl (depends on product setup specified in FH5) | C - Either <FH>6 or <FH>7 must be greater than 0 | |
<FH>8 | OLocation | A | 30 | The output location for the finished product, if dealing with bulk liquid then the out turn tank | M |
<FH>9 | ORotation | A | 10 | The output rotation for the finished product, if specified must not conflict with Vision sequential numbering | O - If not populated, Vision will calculate |
<FH>10 | OValue | M | 8.2 | Value per litre of the finished product, would be in the base currency of the system e.g. for UK customers this would be GBP. | C - needed when goods are excise suspended. |
XML FD Section (Finished Duty Payment)
XML Element | XML Key Name | Type | Length | Notes | Mandatory / Optional / Conditional [M/O/C] |
<FD>1 | DPPCode | A | 50 | Â The product code of the product you are paying duty on | M |
<FD>2 | DPUnits | I | Â | Â | C - Either <FD>2 or <FD>3 must be greater than 0 |
<FD>3 | DPSubUnits | I | Â | Â | C - Either <FD>2 or <FD>3 must be greater than 0 |
<FD>4 | ExciseDefer | A | 10Â | Â | M |
<FD>5 | CustomsDefer | A | 10 | Â | M |
XML SC Section  (Source Components)
XML Element | XML Key Name | Type | Length | Notes | Mandatory / Optional / Conditional [M/O/C] |
<SC>1 | SCustomer | A | 8 | Â Customer code of the stock you are using, Source Customer Stock | M |
<SC>2 | SSite | A | 2 | Site code of the customers stock you are using, Source Customer Stock | M |
<SC>3 | SPCode | A | 50 | Â Source customer product code | M |
<SC>4 | Rotation | A | 20 | Â | O |
<SC>5 | RototationLn | A | 4 | Â | O |
<SC>6 | SUnits | I | Total number of litres | C - Either <SC>6 or <SC>7 must be greater than 0 | |
<SC>7 | SSubUnits | I | Total number of millilitres / centilitres (depending on product setup of ProductCode specified) | C - Either <SC>6 or <SC>7 must be greater than 0 |
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