1501 Withdrawal Orders (SO)
Further information is contained on the following pages, which can also be accessed through the side menu
On this page
- 1 General Overview
- 1.1 Questions
- 1.2 Format
- 1.3 Transmission
- 1.4 File naming
- 2 Usage & Limitation Information
General Overview
Hopefully information below is useful when you are developing your system
| Notes |
Questions | To ask general questions on any of the EDI formats, then please send an email to editest@visionsuite.co.uk |
Format | XML – a file structure which takes into account all the functionality and field within the warehousing system. Whilst the larger organizations like to utilize these formats, we have used these formats in the past but their inability to be flexible, lack of fields and the cost of integration and development times mean that many smaller customers would not be able to afford the development costs to implements EDI trading. There are also serious limitations to the EDI format resulting in not all fields being submitted or fields having to be translated before use. There is also the added problem of using a third party in the sending of the data and all too frequently the third party is blamed for loss of data and for any problems which occur when actually in 99% of cases it is the customers lack of understanding of the process which has caused the problem. We offer a service using a third party, Atlas Products, who can take files from customers in this format and convert them to our import formats. If you require further details please contact sales@ontechsolutions.net |
Transmission | Vision EDI is fully automated and is designed that orders flow constantly throughout the day, with one order for one transmission, not only does it keep orders flowing to the warehouse but it also stops delays at cut-off times when everybody tries to send. The other additional benefit is that should you have a system problem at the cut-off the effect is minimised. Where you are unable to have orders flow constantly then then you can batch orders but they must be sent at least every 30 minutes until the warehouse deadling cut off time then hourly thereafter. Batching of orders is sending many single transmissions at the same time, it does not refer to combining them into a single file which we would not recommend The Vision EDI service normally operates 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. |
File naming | Whether testing, sending live or sending an API file using the fall back method the filename must conform to the following.
Suggestions for filenamesSO(YY)YYMMDD_hhmmssttt.<customer code> e.g. SO051214_123204000.ABCD1234 OR Key YY = year / hh = hour / ttt = milliseconds / MM = month of the year / mm = Minutes past the hour / DD = day of month / ss = seconds Customer code for the filename would normally be the same code as HD1 (FKCustomer) We use this convention to identify the filetype; allows pre-processing before we parse the XML; identify which XML model; process faster; check incoming customer permissions; provide acknowledgements back to you. We also do not allow multiple different file types in the same file, so a sales order file can only contain sales orders, and this then negates the need to use XML namespaces. |
Usage & Limitation Information
| Notes |
Accidental duplication of files | It is your responsibility to not duplicate the files you send to the warehouse, if you choose to resend please be sure that you are not going to duplicate orders. However, if you resend the same file within a short period of time we have a mechanism in place that it will not be processed. Instead we will fail the file and remove it from the upload queue. The period is usually within the same working day. |
Duplicating Order Number | Most warehouse customers using Vision will have this switched on. When OFF the second order will be loaded, could be used as an add-on order, although it will not be combined with the original we would create another unique order, so it is important if you send the same order that you ONLY send additional lines in the new order, you can not amend, adjust, delete or edit the original order. If your original order failed and is held in the EDI service, you must ensure the warehouse REMOVE the original order from the EDI Service before you send it again otherwise we will COMBINE the Document Reference of both orders in EDI and when it is released it will be a single order in VW. |
Acknowledgement of files sent | The Vision EDI service has a facility to acknowledge files received. |
Confirmation of orders processed | Vision EDI can inform you of new orders on the WMS. |
File retention | We archive files for 30 days after they have been sent. |
Processing of order files | File errors where files can not be processedIf there is a data irregularity then we will reject the file. In this instance customers need to be able to fix the data and resubmit the orders back to the Vision EDI system. If your file fails and we can identify your customer code (it should be the file extension) then we will email you to tell you. Where no issues are foundWe upload and process the order which will go directly to the warehouse despatch, ready for picking. No user intervention is required and normally the first person to see this order is the warehouse picking manager. You can request a hourly orders processed report which will confirm the orders processed. Missing or Inaccurate DataWhen orders are received and found to contain missing information then the order will be placed on hold, and we will send you an email informing you that this is has occurred. Generally Orders are held for :
We will only send you an email with the issues if we can identify your customer code (it should be the file extension). |
Repeating Product Codes or Rotation Numbers | Due to the complexities with picking operations, its impossible to achieve accurate stock shortages when the same product is specified multiple times on the same order. If you need to do this then you have to specify the rotation number for each time the product appear, if the rotation has rotation line numbers then these should also be specified. |
Maximum Number of Lines | Generally set this to 50-100 lines per file and is dependent on whether the warehouse server can handle orders above this and whether the warehouse want orders with more than x lines. If your order exceeds the limit, all we do is automatically split the order into two orders, each processed separately, there is no duplication of lines nor is there any manual work involved in doing this. |
Order by what | Customer can order by
Note : You can supply a rotation number with or without a rotation line number, it is only required to state the line number when you have stocks owned by customer reserves. |
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