1101 Products (PC)
Overview | The Vision EDI system can accept structured XML files containing new product codes. |
Transmission | The file containing new product codes should preferably be transmitted prior to sending a pre-advice notification for arriving goods. It was assumed that customers would set up the product code on their own system in advance of creating a purchase order therefore the stock will not be arriving at the warehouse on the same day. |
File Naming | PCyymmdd_hhmmss.<customer code> e.g PC051214_123204.ABCD1234 OR PC<productCode>.<customer_Code> Key YY = year MM = month of the year DD = day of month hh = hour mm = Minutes past the hour ss = seconds Cusomer Code - same code as the customer field in the file and the stock holding customer at the warehouse |
Usage | We would suggest you consider whether this is required before producing this format, in general there is enough information contained within the pre-advice XML to not require the product xml to be sent. This format is for new prodcut codes only. Uniquely names files containing duplicate product codes will be loaded, identified and then deleted, once product is live only manual update is available of very selective fields. |
Limitations | This system is designed to receive new codes based on pre-advices sent, it is therefore not designed for a new load of large volumes of codes. Whilst the maximum file size tested was 2Mb (about 2500 product codes), we would normally expect batches of 10-20 codes and not thousands as the user interface for accepting is not designed to effectively manage large batches.
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