v4.6.x Release Notes
Here you will be able to view the documentation showing all changes that have been made to Vision Invoicing.
The documents list details of bug fixes, improvements and new features that have been implemented in order to enhance the way that Vision Invoicing works.
Where a new feature has been added, you will be able to link directly to the user manual page giving details of how the new feature works and what it does.
You will also be able to view the details of changes which are due to take place in future releases of Vision Invoicing.
Version | 4.6.2 |
Release Date | 27/09/2019 |
Other Application Requirements | VW v5.2.0+ |
Warnings or Notices | With this upgrade a small number of old pro rata rent records may come through from VW to VI to be charged, which wouldn't have been charged previously, check 'Amend Data' for these before invoicing and remove them if you do not wish to invoice them. |
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version | Component | Description | Links | Requires Config | Requires License |
VINVOICING-573 | Raise invoices - FOC goods in | Issue | 4.6.1 | General | Customers with uninvoiced FOC receipts are showing as having outstanding invoices in the raise invoice screen. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-572 | Transport Invoice - Add missing column on CSV | Issue | 4.6.1 | General | The DP account ref is not being included on the Transport Invoice CSV. | VSUP-10062 | No | No |
VINVOICING-580 | Bookings - redesign | Improvement | 4.6.1 | General | Changes required to VI following the bookings redesign in VW v5.2.0. | VW-3416 | No | No |
VINVOICING-390 | Rent start date use | Improvement | 4.6.2 | General | The rent start date is not currently used as the actual rent start date. For example, if the customer has 2 weeks free rent, this is not considered when the rent start date is set, but behind the scenes the system knows about the 2 free works and adds it in, so it all still works but it's not very transparent. In [VW-2328] this is changing, with this change here in VI, the VI system will now take the new ‘Rent Commences’ field and use that instead of the behind the scenes calculations. In addition, pro rata rent should only be imported from VW if the pre advice has the box checked. | VW-2328 | No | No |
VINVOICING-584 | Customer specific rent invoice - anonymous PII | Bug | 4.6.2 | Report Template | For specific template, when the customer is set to GDPR Anonymous, after 7 years it should be showing ‘GDPR Anonymous' in place of the PII, however this isn’t happening in the same way that it is for the other invoice layouts. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-583 | Invoices - duplicates for customers with updates | Bug | 4.6.2 | Report Template | When a customer has various updates to their address details, this can result in invoices showing duplicate charges in the details section, the totals remain correct. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-579 | Stock Storage Invoice - CSV incorrect total | Bug | 4.6.1 | General | CSV invoice showing wrong quantity when calculating the storage charge invoice for a single rotation stored within multiple warehouses in a site. | VSUP-10879 | No | No |
VINVOICING-578 | Amend data - remove zero charges | Bug | 4.6.1 | General | After loading the screen and clicking 'Remove Zero Charges', the user is incorrectly presented with an informational message: "Total charge is not a zero value, so you can't delete the records". | No | No | |
VINVOICING-574 | Storage invoice - not generating | Bug | 4.6.1 | General | The Vision Invoicing Output Service (responsible for outputting storage invoice emails / print jobs) is reporting errors in the log: Vision Invoicing Output Service - Error occured while emailing the stock storage invoice Object reference not set to an instance of an object. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-569 | Storage - Changing the product's storage period | Bug | 4.6.1 | General | After changing a product's charges from one period to another (i.e. changing from Annual to Quarterly) charges are not being imported. | VSUP-9869 | No | No |
Version | 4.6.1 |
Release Date | 04/04/2019 |
Other Application Requirements | See previous version(s) |
Warnings or Notices | Requires crystal reports redistributable v13.0.24+ |
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version | Component | Description | Links | Requires Config | Requires License |
VINVOICING-494 | BI - Sundry Enquiries | Report | 4.5.1 | BI | 2x BI enquiries added for sundry information, goods in and goods out. | RFC-418 | No | No |
VINVOICING-565 | Customer Maintenance - ZZ Site | Issue | 4.6.1 | General | While creating ZZ customers the background colour for all fields should be white (editable) except the site code. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-561 | Customer - Override country & VAT number | Issue | 4.6.0 | General | Addition of 'Override country' and 'Override VAT number' to be displayed on invoices instead of the VW customer information. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-556 | VAT Numbers - Available for report templates | HMRC | 4.6.0 | Report Template | The report templates need to have the customers country and VAT number available for any customer wishing to add them to their report templates. This is not currently available. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-564 | Setup Check Report - License error | Bug | 4.6.1 | General | When trying to generate Data Set Up Check, the user receives a message 'not licensed for this function' however, the company is licensed for it. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-563 | Customer maintenance - VAT Number and VAT office | Bug | 4.6.1 | General | Fields are retrieving incorrect data. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-555 | Outstanding Invoices - Sundry Charges | Bug | 4.6.0 | General | Various minor issues with sundry charge invoicing. | VINVOICING-247 | No | No |
Version | 4.6.0 |
Release Date | 24/01/2019 |
Other Application Requirements | VW v5.0.13+ VS v1.2.0+ |
Warnings or Notices | New licenses must be generated for customers upgrading to this version. For VINVOICING-212, the 'from' filter has been removed so ALL uninvoiced records will be picked up during invoicing, ensure you have no old records outstanding prior to upgrading. |
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version | Component | Description | Links | Requires Config | Requires License |
VINVOICING-539 | Customer own invoice | Report | 4.5.0 | Report Template | New layout added for specific customer. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-532 | Transport Invoice CSV - New field | Report | 4.5.2 | Report Template | DPAccountRef included for the transport invoice CSV output. | RFC-489 | No | No |
VINVOICING-513 | Invoice - Margins | Report | 4.5.1 | General | For a specific customer's goods in invoice layout, the report totals were too far to the right and on some printers the last penny was not showing correctly. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-483 | Stock Charge Invoice | Report | 4.5.2 | A specific customer's stock charges invoice layout was too far right and printing off the page when generating PDF and sending to customers. | RFC-440 | No | No | |
VINVOICING-464 | Stock storage CSV - New field | Report | 4.5.0 | General | Receipt date from the goods in to be added to the CSV generated for storage invoices. | RFC-217 | No | No |
VINVOICING-457 | Goods Inwards CSV - New field | Report | Goods Received Invoice Data CSV File - add the Receipt advice PO reference | RFC-202 | No | No | ||
VINVOICING-473 | VI Charges Module | New Feature | 4.5.0 | General | Vision Invoicing was designed to obtain charges from VW and VD store the information and then produce an invoice however there is alot of demand to provide a new module to allow generic charges to be added to the system and for customer who do not store nor transport. A new module will be written for VI which will allow these to be entered, this module will allow 1) Invoices or Credit Notes to be created 2) A Job / Invoice header to be created with text description 3) A new line code feature will be added, each code will be for a group and will define the base nominal code for the output. 4) Each line will have to have a line code, description, quantity, item price and discount field 5) Invoice / Credit note header will have to be released for invoicing, authorisation for credit notes will need to be added seperate to invoices, the user will confirm READY and if it is a credit will require second level authorisation. 6) The invoice template will be standardised but with the ability for customers to customised this. 7) Nominal output will be possible with a report and finance extract. 8) Customers on this will not have to be from WMS or Distribution they can be entered into the Invoicing system. 9) Login controls will be added for the new invoicing and a new license level will be added, this license will be for VI Invoice Entry only. 10) Even if a job is ready for invoicing, additional lines will be able to be added at a later date, the invoice would then be run on the next invoice run and it would state "Addition to previously invoiced items for job xxx invoiced on dd/mm/yyyy on invoice 23723098" 11) Each line would have a status of invoiced and not invoiced. 12) Each line would have details of who added it and who amended it and when. The option of running the invoices would be a main logon operation. The credit control authorisation for credit notes would also be a main logon operation. A scheduler / template feature to allow recurring invoices will be added at a later date. | VINVOICING-240, VINVOICING-518 | No | No |
VINVOICING-407 | Integration of the BI module | New Feature | 4.5.1 | General | The Business Intelligence module has been added to VI. | No | Yes | |
VINVOICING-240 | User Control - Permissions | New Feature | 4.5.1 | General | User group controls & licensing is being added to Vision Invoicing. It will now be possible to restrict users to particular areas of the application. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-536 | VBI - Integrate v1.1.2 | Issue | 4.5.2 | General | Integration of the latest version of VBI to fix some bugs & minor improvements. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-503 | Goods out - document charge by order type | Improvement | 4.5.1 | General | The ability to charge differently depending on the order type (HO, EX, OU, etc). | No | No | |
VINVOICING-486 | GDPR changes | Improvement | 4.5.1 | General | Changes required for GDPR to Vision Invoicing. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-462 | Amend invoices - Goods out (total charge) | Improvement | 4.4.0 | Amend invoices for 'Goods Out', 'Total Charge' Column shows zero but is later updated in the invoice run. This will now be pre-calculated and shown correctly on screen, so the produced invoice will not vary from the value shown in amend invoices. | VSUP-2309, VINVOICING-247 | No | No | |
VINVOICING-448 | Clearing zero charges | Improvement | 4.5.1 | This process can take a long time and time out for users, the process has been rewritten to make it faster. | No | No | ||
VINVOICING-225 | Goods Out - Removal of 'Upper Case Band' | Improvement | 4.5.1 | Goods Out - Removal of 'Upper Case Band' in Customer Maintenance > Invoice Admin as this is not used. | No | No | ||
VINVOICING-212 | Invoicing Outstanding - Date filter | Improvement | 4.5.1 | Invoicing Outstanding - Remove date from filter options for outstanding invoice checks For all invoice categories we have a 'From Date' and a 'To Date' filter option, the 'From' field will be removed, we should only be filtering for the 'To Date'. | No | No | ||
VINVOICING-505 | Goods out - Minimum invoice charge | Design Change | 4.5.1 | General | Against each goods out type (bottle picking / order charge / order line charge etc) a minimum can be set to apply to this charge on the invoice. The field exists on the screen but it's not currently used. | VSUP-6640 | No | No |
VINVOICING-533 | Goods out - No of orders | Bug | 4.5.1 | General | An instance was found whereby a customer had an 'ORDER CHARGE - MINIMUM' showing on their goods out invoice, the 'No. Orders' on the EDI line was 1 yet the charge was correctly calculated for 2. The CSV export for this invoice also shows 2 movements. The reason behind the erroneous value was that the 2x orders were imported into VI 4 days apart, yet the invoice failed to group these two records together. | VSUP-7981 | No | No |
VINVOICING-523 | Storage invoice - show invoice | Bug | 4.5.2 | General | When stock has a high calculated # of Pro Rata weeks, clicking Show Invoice throws an arithmetic overflow error which prevents the Invoice being loaded. | VSUP-7403 | No | No |
VINVOICING-519 | Goods in - Incorrect pallet charge | Bug | 4.5.1 | General | When Processing Pallet Charges it is multiplying to total charge for all Pallets used by the number of pallets again. This is shown on the Invoice Report and within the Historical Invoices / Stock Transactions / Good Inwards Grid and Detail. | VSUP-7005 | No | No |
VINVOICING-502 | Customer Maintenance - Goods Out Charge Bands | Bug | 4.5.2 | General | If the user saves any new/amendments to Goods Out Charge Bands, the data is wiped from the screen, even though the data has been written to the database. | No | No | |
VINVOICING-482 | Customer specific invoice - cutting off postcode | Bug | 4.5.1 | VINVOICING-475 Clone This was working as AG sorted it and then Arun's layouts have made a mess of it again. Original ======== We have noticed that on various types of invoices no postcode is showing in the customer address area. The name & address info only seems to be able to show 5 lines if a customer has 6 lines it is missing the last line which is the postcode. | VSUP-7938 | No | No | |
VINVOICING-480 | Invoice period - Is Invoiced | Bug | 4.5.1 | General | Is invoiced yes/no not being updated. | VSUP-5649 | No | No |
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