This section provides information about all the tabs in the warehouse picking option, which help manage the picking process from start to finish. It includes organizing orders into bulk picks or single order picking, pick confirmation, and an overview of vision flex picking management.
For quick access use the shortcuts to the relevant section below:
About the Picking Form
This screen is used to show the order that is ready for Picking - Once an order has been successfully saved and is not on Hold, this will show for Picking in one of the Picking tabs on the Warehouse Picking screen.
This screen has tabs each representing a part of the Pick and Pick Confirmation process. Apart from filter options specific to each tab, mainly you can filter the records based on the Site. On the bottom left side, you have a dropdown list of site codes for you to select from. Once you selected the Site Code, it will remain constant until you change it or reopened the screen. All the tabs will show orders only for the selected site. The printer to take print out the Documents for Picking will be set up in the Site Maintenance. Once an order has been Picked it will move from the Picking tabs to one of the Pick Confirmation tabs.
There should only beΒ ONEΒ UserΒ using theΒ Awaiting Pick, Collect - Awaiting Pick, Delivery - Pick Confirm and Collect - Pick Confirm tabs, at a one time.Β
As the screen does not automatically refresh there is a potential for oneΒ userΒ toΒ PickΒ whilst anotherΒ User picks the sameΒ OrderΒ or puts theΒ OrderΒ on to aΒ Bulk Pick.
We strongly advise that this screen be used by one individual at a time.
Issues created by multiple users working on this screen at the same time may be chargeable to fix.
The Picking Process
Please review the VW picking process flow outlined in the document below.
For further information on the pick selection criteria options see the Site Options information at the following link: Sites | Picking
Order - Future Order
This tab will show the orders that may have been placed after the cut-off time for the current date or orders that are waiting for a booking date/Carrier Submissions/Planning.
You have search and filter options to easily locate the orders. Enter the known information in the fields and click the search button to view the order.
If the date chosen is today or prior to the Order it will no longer show in this tab and it will be in the Awaiting tab.Β
Awaiting Pick
This tab will show any orders that are not on Hold, not set to be picked in the future and have not yet been picked, as well as waiting for the collection from the warehouse.
In the Search and Filter Options, there are fields to fill in to easily find your order and you can search specifically for the options set in the Sales Order form. For example, in the Sales Order form if you have selected the βCollections from Warehouseβ checkbox, then that order can be seen here in the warehouse picking form by selecting the βCollectionsβ radio button.
Using with efullfillment
When using with efullfillment you should consider adding the additional column of Order Type into the view to allow you to see the items which are efullfillment orders.
Single Pick
This can be a single order or multiple - each highlighted order will be picked one at a time as if you had highlighted andΒ single pickedΒ each order on its own.
When you pick one or more orders you will receive a message that you need to Print Transfer Notes from theΒ Transfer AdminΒ screen or request that you Print the Pick Notes (depending on what kind of orders you have picked).
Bulk Pick (Group Pick)
Enter a name for your Bulk Pick in the βBulk Pick Nameβ field and click the βNew Bulk Pickβ button to create it. The list of existing Bulk Picks shows all Bulk Picks currently waiting for orders to be added. Highlight an order and click the βAdd to Bulk Pickβ button to add it to the currently highlighted Bulk Pick in the list of existing Bulk Picks.
Save Priorities
You can set priority for picking specific orders. Select any order from the βAwaiting Pickβ list and go to the βPriority' column and set the priority value in it. This is the only editable column on this screen. Then use the 'Save Prioritiesβ button to execute the changes.
By default, all the lines here will be set its Priority value to 5. This means all orders are of the same priority. The priority is used by Flex when users click the βNext Orderβ (or βNext Deliveryβ or βNext Collectionβ) button in the βSingle Pickβ screen (not to do with bulk picks).Β The system will work out which is the next order it should give the user using this priority set by the person controlling the picks in the βAwaiting Pickβ tab.
Cancel Order
This button will allow you to cancel the current highlighted orders.
Informational Messages
There are various informational style messages which could be displayed when you use this form.
Single Pick - Could not pick
You will see this message when you have previously picked an order on the single pick screen but you CLOSED or there is no log of you having printed the picking note for the order.
Allowing this to continue will print the pick note.
Single Order - Add to Bulk Pick
You will see this message when you have previously picked an order on the single pick screen but you CLOSED the print form or there is no log of you having printed the picking note for the order.
You can not therefor add a single pick order onto a bulk pick your only option is to single pick this order where you will again receive a further informational message (detailled above : Single Pick - Could not pick)
Flex - Singles Picks
This tab shows orders that are in the process of being picked on the Flex Device. Once an order has been selected to beΒ Single PickedΒ orΒ Bulk PickedΒ it will show here.
Once the order has been Pick Confirmed, it is removed from this tab and then shows on the Pick Confirm tab.Β You can select All, Deliveries, and Collections radio button options and click the Refresh button to view the list of orders that are specific to each.
The graphs at the bottom can give you an idea of how many orders have been picked by eachΒ picker.
Pick Confirm
This tab will show the orders that have been picked and are waiting to be confirmed. Filter the orders based on the Collections, External Carrier Collections, All Collections, Transfers, and Deliveries.
If you need to make amendments to any orders before they are Pick Confirmed, you can select the line (or lines) and click the βUnpick Selectedβ button.
You can also update the quantities to be Pick Confirmed by clicking the second from the left column (with the hollow triangle) to expand the order line to show the lines and quantities available for Pick Confirmation.
The order will not be updatedΒ to reflect the actual number of Cases, Singles or Pallets picked so you should only use this option if there are no other alternatives.Β
A better way to deal with being unable to Pick Confirm the correct quantity is to Un-Pick the Order (which sends it back to the Awaiting Pick tab) and amend the order itself (either by reducing the quantity, changing to another rotation or removing the line from the order altogether) and then Re-Pick the order.
If your customer has been configured to receive emails about shortfalls in Picking they will receive an email similar to the following (after Pick Confirming):
Depending on the setup in the Site Maintenance, the stock movement will be created at this point or when you use the Despatch screen.
Sample of Despatch Labels
Bulk Picking (Group Pick)
Bulk Pick - Awaiting Pick
This tab will show the Bulk Picks that have not yet been produced.
The βProduce Bulk Pickβ button will produce the Bulk Pick to be moved to BPick - In Progress
Due to the potentially large number of orders in a Bulk Pick, processing can take some time. The progress bar indicates the current status of the Bulk Pick process.
Fill Bins (Previously Locator)
An option which automatically will add a bin for each order, this has been added to assist those warehouses who are using shopping trolley style picking where there may be upto X cases on the pick trolley each case for a specific order and as they pick the item they are told which cases the items need to be placed into.
This allows you to avoid efullfillment and building cases at the end of a pick.
In the above example the user will be told to place the picked stock into the specific case on the shopping trolley.
Bulk Pick - In Progress
This tab shows all the Bulk Picks that have been produced but not yet printed.
On the left side of the screen, you can see the list of Bulk Picks and buttons to Search, Re-Print Bulk Pick, Update & Save(To record any changes you have made to the quantities on the orders on the current Bulk Pick and move the bulk pick to the confirmation stage), and Print Single Notes. Also, you will be provided with a button to Confirm Bulk Pick(This will only be highlighted if your system is linked to VD).
There are separate tabs to see the orders in terms of Stock to Pick and Flex Progress.
Stock to Pick
Click on the Stock to Pick tab. This tab will display the stock based on the Bulk Pick you select from the list provided on the left side. When you select a Bulk Pick, the Stock to Pick tab will provide the list of orders included in it.
Initially, you will see a list of products with a rotation number, location, quantity, number of orders included for this particular product, locator column and the warehouse number.
Click on the rightwards arrowhead button(Next to the product code in each line) to see the orders included in it. With Order ID and quantity, you can enter the SSCC using the button provided at the right side of the line. Click the button and enter the SSCCs in the opened window. Once you enter SSCC and clicked save, this will be recorded and the check box next to the SSCC button (Got SSCCs?) will be auto-ticked.
Flex Progress
Displays the lines that are in Flex Progress.
You can see an βUndo Flex Downloadβ button. Select a line and click this button; this will allow the selected records to be downloaded by a Flex device providing that they have not yet been picked on the device they were originally downloaded on.
BPick - Confirmation
This tab shows Bulk Picks that have been printed, ready to be Confirmed.
Use the βSearchβΒ button to refresh the screen and show any Bulk Picks that are ready to be Confirmed in the Bulk Picks to be Confirmed section (the results list on the left side).
Click the βUpdate & SaveβΒ buttonΒ toΒ saveΒ any changes you have made to theΒ QuantitiesΒ of theΒ OrdersΒ on this screen. This will not update any of the quantities on the Orders themselves.
Use the βConfirm PickβΒ button toΒ Confirm all the Orders on the Bulk Pick and remove the Bulk Pick from the screen.
Checking Pick Details and Printing Pick Notes
You can search for existing Pick Notes from the navigation panel.
Double clicking a Pick Note from the results list will open the Picked Order Screen:
You can use this screen to find the Pick UID or Order UID where you only know of the other.
Clicking the Load Pick Lines will show the lines picked on the order in the section below (as per the screenshot above).
Clicking the Print Pick Note will show the Print dialogue but may show a warning message prior to that if the Pick Note has not been generated by normal automatic processes (for example if someone cancelled the Pick Note print when the Order was Picked, it will not show in the Confirmation stage - you can print the Pick note here, get a copy of the document and progress your order).
In the grid at the bottom, you can see if the order lines are on a Bulk Pick, basic product details and the rotations used by the picking process (even if rotations were not entered into the order itself). Basic stock attributes which can be useful to check if the quantities picked are not what you are expecting, the location the stock is being taken from and final the quantities picked.
Warehouse Picking/Despatches Confirmation Results List
You can expand an order to view the lines and the quantities to be picked
Selection options:
Click a line to select it (the line will be highlighted)Β
(Clicking on another line will select the new line and remove the selection on any other lines).
CTRL + Click on a line to select (or un-select if it is already selected) without affecting the selection status of any other lines.Β
SHIFT + Click between two lines to select those lines and any other lines between them.
On the left-hand end of each order in the Results List, there is a hollow triangle.
Click this triangle to expand the order and show the Detail Lines it contains.
Click the filled-in black triangle to collapse the order and hide the Detail Lines.
In the expanded view you can reduce the quantity of Pallets, Cases and Singles to be picked. You might want to do this if the full quantity of stock cannot be found or is damaged. Changes made here will affect the quantity picked, but will not be reflected on the order.Β
If the quantity picked is lower than is shown on the order - this mostly be the reason and should be checked first. You cannot pick more than was on the original order.
Tick theΒ Got SSCCs?Β field if you have SSCC for the goods on the current Order line.
An order in the results list with a dark orange background, indicates that the Pick Confirm date (in theΒ Order Options Tab) has been saved on the order. You will not be able to Pick Confirm these orders until the date entered in the Pick Confirm date has been met.
Click theΒ SSCCΒ button to load theΒ SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code)Β screen and add/edit details for the current order line.
Click theΒ Pallets UsedΒ button to view or edit the Pallet Details for an order.
See theΒ Pallets Type Usage screenΒ page for more details.
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