Customer Notifications

Customer Notifications

The distribution system offers customer notification using different methods.

  • Email notification.

  • SMS notification.

  • Whats app notification

  • Other messaging applications (in planning).

How does this work?

Every order which enters the distribution system stores a number of notification flags.

These are set within the Warehouse Management System or if you are entering a manual order then you have to set them manually within Distribution.

The Warehouse Management System sets the customer default notification within the customer settings which will apply to each order. But you can change the order settings from these defaults at the time of the order entry (or through the EDI entry into the Warehouse Management System).

Changing the Warehouse Managment System customer settings will not modify existing orders.

What do you need to make this work?

You need the following fields in order to make this work





Customer email

The customer email address held in the WMS customer.

Delivery Point email

This is placed in the DPEmailAddress field within EDI.

Delivery Point SMS

Will use the number placed in the contact telephone number field on the order.

The Delivery point fields can be set in the WMS, through VCIS, or via EDI entry.

What Messages are there?



Customer email

DP email




Customer email

DP email


Daily Delivery Schedule

ePOD required

To advise customers the evening before a delivery once deliveries have been planned.

Would email customer, DP and send SMS.

Usually scheduled at 2100hrs.




Despatch Confirmation

ePOD required

To advise customers in the morning that goods are on their way and their estimated arrival time. 

The Customer Email is sent at scheduled times as they do not want to receive hundreds of emails and is usually scheduled to be sent multiple times during the day to capture late departures and second deliveries.

The DP email and SMS are sent at the time the vehicle leaves the warehouse.




Delivery Confirmation

ePOD required

Confirming the delivery has been made.

You should avoid setting this to ON for all deliveries as you get one per delivery.




Delivery Issues

ePOD required

Any Delivery issues, send instead of the confirmation of delivery.

If you have this ON you will only receive emails for each order where there has been an Order issue or a Line problem.




Delivery Delayed

ePOD required

If we are going to arrived outside the original ETA window (usually 2 hour window) by more than 15 minutes.
Original ETA window settings based on a 2 hour window.




Carrier Despatch

Advising customers that their goods have been despatched from the warehouse, that further tracking can be done on the carrier website and the consignment number used.




Carrier Despatch is only available when the warehouse is using Distribution and are also arranging the delivery of the goods.

What Messages are sent

Subject: Confirmation of Despatches planned

This system generated email confirms the following orders were manifested for delivery.  If you are expecting an order and it is not listed please look at the VCIS website as it may have been planned after this email was sent.

Delivery Name


Doc Ref


Delivery Name


Doc Ref





Warehouse ID

You will be notified when the vehicle leaves the delivery depot, more information including tracking can be found on the internet site.

This email was sent from an unattended mailbox, please do not reply as your message will not be answered.


Subject: Confirmation of your delivery planned

This email confirms the following order(s) planned. 

If you are expecting an order and it is not listed please speak with your supplier as it may have been planned after this email was sent.

Customer Name

Doc Ref

Delivery Name


Our Delivery UID

Your Ref

Customer Name

Doc Ref

Delivery Name


Our Delivery UID

Your Ref







You will be notified when the vehicle leaves the delivery depot.

This email was sent from an unattended mailbox, please do not reply as your message will not be answered. If you have any questions please contact your supplier directly.


Your delivery: <Doc Ref> from <Customer Name> going to <Postcode> is scheduled for delivery on dd/mm/yyyy

Subject: Order Despatch Confirmation

This is a system generated summary email is confirming despatch of the following orders:

Delivery Name

Doc Ref

Delivery Postcode

Order UID

Est Delivery






This email was sent from an unattended mailbox, please do not reply as your message will not be answered.


Subject: Your Delivery <Doc Ref>

Delivery <Doc Ref>  has left the depot and is on its way to you estimated to arrive between <CalcEarly hh:mm (24h)> and <CalcLate hh:mm (24h)>.

From  : <Customer Name>
Delivery Name  : <Delivery Name>
Postcode  : <Delivery Postcode>
Doc Ref  : <Doc Ref>
Our Delivery UID: <PKUID>

This email was sent from an unattended mailbox, please do not reply as your message will not be answered. If you have any questions please contact your supplier directly.

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