Goods Inwards

Goods Inwards

The goods inwards process in this section assumes that you know how to create suppliers and products. If you are not sure please see the links below.








How to setup a new product

Product Setup


Adding a new supplier



In general we expect the warehouse, locations, customers, invoicing all to be setup and operational before you look for advice in this part of the system, if not then please look at Maintenance section of the wiki to learn how other areas need to be setup


The process of goods inwards can take a number of different routes

Internal Arrivals - These are goods which are received by the warehouse from internal sources, they do not require a booking and can be receipted simply by using the pre-advice or through the warehouse process

External Arrivals - This is receipts of stock on pre-advices where a booking would normally be required in advance.


There are however exceptions

  1. Vehicle just arrives - if you have a pre-advice you can either add a booking or use the pre-advice forms only you will not be able to use FLEX if there is no booking.

  2. Booking is made but there is no pre-advice, a virtual pre-advice is added which can be updated with the products and codes and reference numbers after receipt.





To follow the process we have split this into several smaller sections each dealing with a specific part of the inwards process. This process can take several weeks and be carried out by multiple people in the admin and warehouse.

Each Tab on the pre-advice form refers to a different link in the list below

Tab Name


Tab Name


Supplier & Shipper Details

Entered prior to the goods arriving in the warehouse where possible manually, via VCIS or through EDI or through an internal process.
If you do not have this prior to the booking a pseudo booking will be added to be used to receipt the goods.

Order Item Details

Receipting Header

After paperwork is received by the office this is completed by administrative person.

Receipting Details

If you are using the warehouse receipting functionality then this is used to check their work and confirming the receipt of each line, they can use the application or FLEX. If you are using paper then you can enter this information manually into this tab.

Bond Details

Where required the bond details are the excise or customs warehouse information for the product, including the storage of the stock values.


Used for some receipts of stock, you can also access this through the Receipts - ARC - Vision Warehousing summary list which shows all outstanding.

Links to all pages within thie section are below



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