System Menu
The System menu has a single group of options in it - “System Settings”.
All items in this menu should be restricted to only administrator users, changes made here will have an immediate impact on the system and once changed anything affected will not be able to be fixed.
In this section, you will find the following
Some items require their own dedicated pages and are listed below
License Management
The License Manager screen is used to hold your license string to the main application and Modules that are installed for your company. When your main application Licence has been Renewed or you have requested any changes, such as Additional Users, you will be sent your new Licence String. All license strings are encrypted.
Analysis Auto Fill Configuration
This allows the system to set up some parts of the customer analysis when you are adding a new customer onto the system, it can be used for manual entry of customers or through the API.
This configuration specifies which fields you want to set up and where the information on how to set up the field will come from.
Control Accounts
This is where you tell Commerce the nominal codes to post to in your finance system. For more information about how Commerce integrates with your finance system, see Transaction Postings.
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