v3.8 Notes

v3.8 Notes

Vision EDI

This page only contains the current release notes, for previous versions please click here Previous EDI Notes

The documents list details of bug fixes, improvements and new features that have been implemented in order to enhance the way that Vision EDI works.

Where a new feature has been added, you will be able to link directly to the user manual page giving details of how the new feature works and what it does.

You will also be able to view the details of changes which are due to take place in future releases of Vision EDI.

Version 3.8.5
Release Date24/12/2019
Other Application Requirements

VW v5.3.0+

Warnings or Notices


UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sComponent/sDescriptionLinked toConfiguration changesLicense required
VEDI-818Excise & VAT summary (2nd section) - VATIssue3.8.3Files outgoingThe 'Excise & VAT Summary' PDF's second section titled 'Excise And Customs Detail' totals the VAT at the bottom of the section (field label 'VAT Amount'), is including the VAT when it isn't due, for Acquisition VAT / PVA VAT / Nil VAT W5Ds for example.VSUP-11793NoNo
VEDI-821EDI order - Pre paymentImprovement3.8.3Files incomingNew fields available in the order XML specification within the HI segment for sending through pre payment information.VW-4659;VC-2110NoNo
VEDI-812Outbound Files - Goods Received Enhanced XML inconsistencyDesign Change3.8.3Files outgoingThe PALineNo field on the Goods Received Enhanced XML file is shorter than VW allows it to be.VSUP-11397NoNo
VEDI-755Pre advices - DuplicatingDesign Change3.7.2Files incomingWhen customers submit a PO multiple times (with amendments for example) these end up duplicating in VW.VW-3278;VW-3416NoNo
VEDI-808Order picking confirmation - reduced pick quantityBug3.8.2Files outgoingWhen reducing the pick quantity at pick confirmation, the Order Picked Confirmation is showing the original pick requested quantity.VW-4577;VSUP-11112NoNo
VEDI-801Stock Snapshot by Rotation Enhanced - PO ReferenceBug3.6.4Files outgoingThe Stock Snapshot by Rotation Enhanced XML output is incorrect, the "PO"field (within PRODUCT>LD) it is using the notes 1 field instead of the PO number.RFC-563NoNo
Version 3.8.4
Release Date04/12/2019
Other Application Requirements

VW v5.2.3+

Warnings or Notices


UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sComponent/sDescriptionLinked toConfiguration changesLicense required
VEDI-815Order XML - Email address format validationBug3.8.1Files incomingIncoming files are being sent to the failed folder if the email address provided within any of the email address fields (such as DeliveryIssueDPCustEmailAddress) use one of the new TLD extensions, such as .restaurantVSUP-11668NoNo
VEDI-814Excise & VAT Summary - Email body totalsBug3.8.3GeneralThe ‘Excise & VAT Summary’ report produced from EDI contains a summary of the totals due within the email message body, these total’s are incorrect sometimes and do not match the values on the VB W5(d).VSUP-11495NoNo
VEDI-811Product - Brand NameBug3.8.2GeneralBrandName is not saving to VW.VW-4486NoNo
VEDI-819Pre advice - VCIS / VEDI source for VWImprovement3.8.1.1GeneralA new ‘source’ field in VW for pre advices needs to be populated with ‘VCIS’ or ‘VEDI’ for pre advices imported by VEDI.VW-4609NoNo
VEDI-804Product codes - mixed casesImprovement3.8.1Files incomingA new 'MX' section has been added to the PC file specification, allowing customers to specify the BOM / component product information included in a mixed case product.VW-4510;RFC-556;VC-2102;VC-1968;VW-4688NoNo
VEDI-816Order - Delivery country changed to GBIssue3.8.2Files incomingOrder delivery country changes to GB during submission to VW.VSUP-11719NoNo
VEDI-810Connection stringIssue3.8.2GeneralChanges to the server side connection strings.VF-535NoNo
VEDI-780Pre Advice - Product code (system product code customers)Issue3.8.0Files incomingEDI is failing the file due to product code missing. However this should be left blank by customers using the system product table.VSTASK-1878NoNo
Version 3.8.3
Release Date04/10/2019
Other Application Requirements

VW v5.2.0+

Warnings or Notices


UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sComponent/sDescriptionLinked toConfiguration changesLicense required
VEDI-809Service URLsIssue3.8.2APICorrections to the API service URL parameter names & order for the new services which use token authentication.VC-1800NoNo
VEDI-805Outbound Files - Goods Received XML inconsistencyDesign Change3.8.2Files outgoingThe PALineNo field in the Goods Received XML file is shorter than VW allows it to be so is getting cut short and causing an error when the data is higher than 32767.VSUP-11025NoNo
Version 3.8.2
Release Date18/09/2019
Other Application Requirements

VW v5.2.0+

Warnings or Notices


UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sComponent/sDescriptionLinked toConfiguration changesLicense required
VEDI-796Order - Invalid collection groupIssue3.8.0Files incomingWhen a customer sends in an invalid collection group, they receive an unclear email message and the order lands in the validation failures screen.

The message will be made clearer so that they know the collection group is the problem.

VEDI-795Validation Failures  - Non Latin Characters Issue3.8.2Files incomingNon-Latin Characters appear incorrectly in Validation Failures.VEDI-782NoNo
VEDI-784Order XML - C426 & C185 validationIssue3.7.0Files incomingEDI validation for the C426 field does not match EDI specifications.

VEDI-782VCIS Order XML - non Latin charactersIssue3.8.0Files incomingVCIS orders, the XML is not formatting correctly the non Latin characters.VCIS-1062NoNo
VEDI-748Bookings - redesignImprovement3.7.2GeneralChanges required to the EDI dependencies for the booking changes done in VW v5.2.0.VW-3416NoNo
VEDI-787Sales order - Is Booking RequiredBug3.8.0Files incomingWhen sending a Sales Order with is Booking Required ticked, it is not saving in VW correctly. VSUP-10857NoNo
VEDI-774Fusion - Supplier errorBug3.7.3Files incomingAn error relating to supplier creation occurred when processing Fusion XML file.

Version 3.8.1
Release Date06/08/2019
Other Application Requirements

VB v5.0.0+

VW v5.1.7+

Warnings or Notices

Incompatible with VW v5.2.0+

Fields C426 & C185 will not be saved into VW for incoming orders (VEDI-799).

UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sComponent/sDescriptionLinked toConfiguration changesLicense required


Order - Accepting order without collection time



Files incoming

Receiving an error when trying to accept an order in EDI Validation Failures.





Orders - C426 & C185



Files incoming

Temporary removal of the two fields (reverting VEDI-756 in v3.7.3) until v3.8.2.

Customers sending these fields in will not be saved in VW until v3.8.2+.




Validations Failures - missing fields



Files incoming

Collection Time and Collection Vehicle Registration both appear to be missing from the screen, as such if an order fails validation, and had these fields populated, they are lost before saving into VW.



Version 3.8.0
Release Date15/07/2019
Other Application Requirements

VB v5.0.0+

VW v5.1.7+

Warnings or NoticesIncompatible with VW v5.2.0+

UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sComponent/sDescriptionLinked toConfiguration changesLicense required
VEDI-750Excise & VAT Summary - Brexit prepHMRC3.7.2Files outgoingChanges required to the Excise & VAT Summary to coincide with VB-926 changes.VB-933, VB-926NoNo
VEDI-769VCIS Orders - file extensionIssue3.7.3Files incomingChange the file extension for VCIS orders to be .VCIS to allow us to enable the incoming permissions and use them correctly.
VEDI-742Client application - CleanupIssue3.7.2Application / UICleanup of the application files.
VEDI-774Fusion - Supplier errorBug3.7.3Files incomingAn error relating to supplier creation occurred when processing Fusion XML file.

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