System Delivery Address

System Delivery Address

The system delivery address form is used to store addresses for specific order types where you have to use a saved system address. For example, customs movements of goods to another approved facility.

The system delivery address ensures that you set up the delivery point with the correct details required to complete all the paperwork on the appropriate forms for electronic submission.

We will be changing the ability to use a manually entered address for these types of goods and enforce the use of the system delivery address for all of these types of orders.

The System Delivery Address is there to ensure that

  1. The address is approved by the government authorities.

  2. The authorisations for the types of goods are all correct.

  3. The correct information is entered into the sales/withdrawal order for the goods.

This applied to the following orders:



What should be stored



What should be stored

U, K

Within GB or NI

The warehouse keeper information for the receiving warehouse. This will always be the delivery to point on the order with the consignee being WHO the goods are destined for.

E, X

Exports outside the UK

The shipper / exporter - at the point of export (so this is a GB address) it is also the person responsible for the discharge of the ARC, the consignee information on the order should be WHO the goods are destined for.

Codes explained here → SO Code Lists | B Customs Warehouse Order Codes (HD2)

On this page:

Main Form Page





Remember to tick the “In Use?” checkbox on the top right. Otherwise, you will not be able to use this on an order.

When entering a sales order to a delivery point which needs to use the system address table, it is easier if the “Del Pt Account Ref” used is something obvious and deliberate, this will allow you to just enter the code without having to look up the address using F11.

Address Tab

This contains the basic delivery address of where the delivery will be intended to make. There are additional fields here which allow the entry of other information which will be loaded onto the orders address form at the time of the order. e.g. Instructions, Contact name, and delivery times.

Our Transport Reg → This option will default the vehicle registration on an order when the delivery address is used. This is not in accordance with HMRC rules and you should ensure that the EMCS entry is sent with the correct first vehicle registration, use of this is at your own risk. However, some warehouses use shunting vehicles and this is generally the normal use of this field.

Vision Warehouse Transfer (Receiving Whse)

If the receiving warehouse also uses Vision then you can transmit an electronic notification of the goods you are sending under bond by using the Vision Warehouse Transfer (Receiving Warehouse) section, it requires the following information :

  • Is this warehouse using Vision Warehousing - ticked

  • Receiving warehouse VW Site code - this will be a two-digit code

  • Vision EDI email - this is the email address to which you will send this advice and is the EDI service of the remote warehouse.

  • Vision EDI API Url - this is the https address of the receiving warehouse EDI server [this has been implemented for future use as email sending of EDI is being phased out during 2024]

This will generate an Intra Vision Purchase Order Notification which will be sent to the remote warehouse and loaded into their system, if the receiving customer account is known then it will load fully into the system otherwise the receiving warehouse will have to add the customer code at the point of saving to their system


HMRC tab

The HMRC tab on the form allows you to configure this address point for use as an under bond delivery point, not all fields are required for all types of orders so a table below shows each field and what you should enter into that field.


Field Name


Order Types

Field Name


Order Types

Supervising Office Address / Town / Postcode / Country

This must be completed for Exports outside the UK and EU


Destination Type Code

You must select one from the list, avoid using 8 if possible as HMRC do not like to see this code.

U, E, X

Under bond Type

Select from the list, it should show all order types where this table is used, an address can only be used for one type.

If a delivery point is used for UK under bond and also EXPORTS then you should setup 2 codes for this to work correctly.


Warehouse Keeper Code

The warehouse keeper code for where the goods are being sent.

e.g. For UK this begins GBWK and then it is usually the VAT number afterwards.


Place of Delivery Office Reference.

You must enter the Competent Authority of Dispatch code of the UK office responsible for excise control at the place of dispatch.

There is currently only one office in the UK and the code is GB004098. (Country Code + 6 is the standard for these)



VAT Number

VAT Number

UK generally the Warehouse keeper code has the VAT number in it.



For most this is the VAT number with 000 on the end.


Duty Free Type

SS - Ship Stores or EX for Export.


Excise No

The warehouse excise number will take the format of country code plus 11 digits, if your code is too short then add 0’s after the country code to pad this.

e.g. GB0452602 should be GB00000452602


Customs Guarantee

Provide the customs guarantee number for the warehouse


Declaration Type

Not currently used.


Customs Number

If the receiving warehouse accepts customs duty unpaid stocks then this is the number for that warehouse, in the UK it begins with an R if the warehouse is also excise and will end with the country code

All where applicable


Buttons Explained:

Europa Lookup

This will open a web link to the warehouse ID of this record, this web page is supplied from the Europa website and contains information on which commodity groups this customer is allowed to receipt, and is used to aid you in setting up the commodity categories on the next tab.


This will generate an email for a SEED check, usually, this is sent to the warehouse and you would forward this to HMRC for the check.


This records the date when you receive the OK back from HMRC regarding this delivery point following a seed check.

Commodity Categories Tab

This specifies which commodity groups this delivery address is allowed to handle.

You need to update the types of commodities that this delivery point is allowed to accept.

Your commodity codes each have a group set against them, this group is shown above, for example, Wine commodity codes all are within the groups W200 and W300. By ticking this group it will allow you to place goods onto the delivery for this type of product. The previous tab where you can perform the web lookup takes you to a page which shows which commodities can be selected for the particular warehouse.

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