Stock Enquiries


This enquiry will generate the customer available stock levels for a product or products.






includes items in the process of being picked or pick confirmed


how much stock is available after frozen, and picked are removed from the stock level.

To use the screen, you must enter Customer Code, Product Code or Site Code in the Search Criteria

The details button will show the Product Enquiry Details screen.

  • This will show the Received, Picked, Frozen, Despatched and Available quantities. 

  • You are able to view the details for the Frozen Stock by clicking on the Frozen Stock Details.


When you drill down into the rotation details, the following form will be displayed.



Use the Full Stock Enquiry screen to view a Customer's Stock levels in full Pallets/Cases.

Use the Total Singles Stock Enquiry screen to view a Customer's Stock Levels in Singles.

To use this screen, must enter your Customer Code, Rotation Number or Site Code

This list shows all of the Stock Movements (physical or otherwise) based on the values you entered in the Search Criteria filter fields above.

The View Movements - this will show all the details of the movements of all kinds for the currently selected Stock Line.



Print Label button to print Labels for the currently selected Stock line.

  • This is primarily used to identify Stock in the Location where it is stored.

Labels by location order field to make Rotation Labels print off in Location Order.

To see movements for rotations that have zero stock you will need to tick the “Show Zero Stock” field. Please note: any movements for rotations that have a stock will not show unless this field is unticked.


This screen is used to show all Frozen Stock information for the specified Customer.

You are able to export the result in a CSV file format.

  • This is a basic format that should load into applications like Excel.

This list shows all the current Frozen stocks that match the filter values entered above when the Search button was last clicked.

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