WMS - Pre Go Live

WMS - Pre Go Live

Here are a list of items you need to check and ensure you have ready and updated prior to go live. Customers generally check these prior to UAT and again prior to go live.

Any items in RED are items you need to maintain going forward.

  1. Exchange Rates are all updated.

  2. Excise Duty Rates are all correct with the correct values. This includes the setup of Brands where you have small producer certificates.

  3. Customs Duty rates are all correct with the correct values and that any preferences and quotas are all setup along with the required documentation for each of the commodity codes.

  4. All users have access to the system.

  5. All printers are checked and operational, this includes the site setup printers

  6. Check the site settings - is there anything missing or where you are not sure, make sure printing is set for the correct steps/stages for when you go live.

  7. Locations - Are they all still complete, we can not import the stocks if there are locations missing.

  8. Check all the system delivery addresses and verified that they can be used.

  9. Update the hauliers with the movement guarantees and any information needed for them.

  10. Have you setup the items you were asked to during the training ?

    1. Unpick Reason

    2. Frozen Reasons

    3. ………… there are others……………….


Before we go live are you supposed to be keeping your data up to date ?

Depending on your data load configuration you may also have to check:

  1. Are all customers loaded onto the system ?

    1. Newly added customer - Are those customer setup for invoicing and are the rates correct?

  2. Products - are we refreshing the products ? If so, wait until they are refreshed which is usually around 2 days prior to go live and then check that small producer certificates are applied, or if we are just adding missing products then check small producer certificates immediately.

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