Proof of Delivery

Proof of Delivery


the image quality shown above will be a significantly lower resolution than that shown on the application screen and when the document is generated the original image with full resolution is generated.

The level of detail on this form is based on information coming from ePOD and much of this is not available when you are using only the main Distribution applicable along with scanned delivery notes


ePOD Only



ePOD Only




The name of the person who signed for the goods. If an image was used where no name could be obtained then the entry here will indicate

  • safe place

  • neighbour

Date/Time or Confirmed Delivery Date


Based on when the delivery was marked as status D (Delivered)

Arrived / Arrival Time


User used the ARRIVED button when arriving at the delivery point



Will show a scanned image or electronic signture or an image taken at the delivery point.

Confirmed Delivery User


This is either

  • user name when the delivery was manually confirmed

  • the ePOD ID number if confirmed electronically.

Scanned POD


Is this a scanned POD, if not it will be an electronic image.

Generate POD Email Add


If you wish a copy of the POD to be sent, enter the email address here and either an
e-Delivery note or a scanned image of the delivery note is sent to the address

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