



This is a very busy screen and contains multiple areas which I have tried to breakdown on the table of contents to make it easier to understand.

The information shown on this page is an example only and will not be the same as you have setup on your system


This section contains the basic information about the delivery and type


Customer Ref

the customer who legally owns the stock and who has provided the instruction to make the delivery.

Invoice Customer

The customer account who is being charged for the delivery, you can set this manually, or at the time of ordering or you can use the MASTER transport feature where a number of stock holding accounts are using the same invoice account and when you want to combine the delivery charges automatically for a single customer.

Delivery Kinds


Delivery Kind

Notes Description


Delivery Kind

Notes Description



This is a standard delivery from your Warehouse to another address.


Pickup & Return To Warehouse

The transporter will travel to another address (entered on the 3rd Party Collection Point tab) and then be brought back to your Warehouse.


Pickup & Deliver Elsewhere

Transport will travel to another address (entered on the 3rd Party Collection Point) and then taken to another address (entered in the Delivery Point tab).


This is an important field as it is used to determine both the initial transport charging dataset along with the requirements for the postcode and whether it is mandatory.

It does then allow you to setup the charging mechanism for foreign deliveries that you will be making and whther there are fixed charges or whether they will be quoted for using the quoting system (see charges tab)


This will be mandatory based on the country, for the UK this is mandatory and it allows you to perform a postcode address lookup and it also then works out the charging basis for the delivery/consignment.

Delivery Information

Field Name


Field Name


Order Date

Either the current date or the date this record was added to the delivery system.

Expected Delivery Date

This is based on the lead time for the delivery area or if the customer has set a fixed booked date for the delivery

Document Ref

A unique order reference from the customer

Associated Doc Ref

If this was redelivered or there are sub deliveries in the case of charging then this field will have the other references

DP Account Ref

A unique identification for this delivery point, usually comes from your customers own system and is generally their account code for the customer


This is the delivery point reference which needs to usually be quoted on all paperwork and usually used when making deliveries

Order UID

The unique order ID which is given to the order when it is added into the Vision WMS system

Pick UID

This is added after the order is picked, so we generate a pick UID for the order and it also designates whether an item can then move to status O

If the Pick UID starts with a zero then this Delivery has been created directly in Vision Distribution (or via EPOD).

This would happen if the Delivery has been created manually or by Vision Distribution when a re-delivery is required after the original Delivery encountered issues.

ARC Required

If this order is underbond and an ARC for the movement is required then this field will contain the tick


The ARC number if needed is provided for reference.

Service Code

Any service codes for this delivery are shown here

Service Codes

Service Level Code

Any service level codes for this delivery are shown here

Service Level Codes

Product Types

This is derived from the product and generated from the Vision WMS.

It defines product types on the order, especially useful if the received is not allowed that type of good or there are Dangerous goods being transported

Product Groups

This is derived from the product groups stored for each product within the Vision WMS




Delivery Status









Initial Status upon Entry either manually or from Vision WMS.

Vision WMS - this is pre picking



Manually Entered Orders are this status when they are finally saved with all the relevant details.
For VW linked orders when the order is picked the consignment will move to this status. This can take up-to 15 mins for this update to happen.

Outstanding allows the consignment to be manifested.

You may have to make a booking or quotation or have held the order for coordinates check so you will have to complete this before you can manifest.

Vision WMS - this is the item being picked.



The consignment is now on a vehicle and confirmed as having left the delivery depot.

This can be carried out using ePOD or it can be carried out manually.

This stage can initiate sending of the advise to the customer that their goods are on the way and what is the expected arrival time.



Either has been confirmed as delivered manually in Vision Distribution or confirmed delivered in an EPOD. 



The system will detect that a Delivery has gone to Status D and will be updated to status I the nightly jobs run.

If you are also using Vision Invoicing status I indicate that the Delivery and any charges have gone over to be invoiced. 



If a Delivery is cancelled it will show as status X.

A cancelled Delivery cannot be un-cancelled.

A status does not go backwards only forwards from the top to the bottom, so if you have picked something in Vision WMS status will move to “O” however if you unpick it then the status remains status in Distribution.


If this is a redelivery of an earlier consignment then this field will be set to YES and you should see the reason why the original delivery failed in the box underneath.

When a consignment is not delivered we ask for a failure code, based on this code it will determine whether the attempt will be charged for or will be Free of Charge. Any redliveries visible on this form will normally have the charges showing.


Routing and Charging


The information shown in this section comes from the system using the delivery calculation methodology.

Based on the Country / Postcode we define the Delivery Area

Based on the Customer Setting / Delivery Area settings we then define the charge band.

When we work out the delivery area it is based on the Source Depot and this also sets the normal delivery depot.


If you wish to change any of these and FORCE the system to ignore further updates to the address then you must choose the FIXED option on the form to lock the information.

The override charge band can either be set at the initial entry of the order or via the order override facility within the WMS.


This section is applicable where the delivery point is an individual and not a business, in that situation the standard GDPR can be set for the individual.

You must first set the legal type to be “Individual” after that the GDPR Option is available. This Legal Type can be provided from the WMS however many customers do not stipulate this whilst ordering.

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