PO Header

PO Header

Initial Header Fields

Order Date will automatically default to the current date, this can be changed manually.

Warehouse Group - MANDATORY field. Choose the warehouse group from the drop down.

Warehouse - MANDATORY field. Choose a Warehouse from the drop down list.

MANDATORY fields above should be completed before other fields on this form and before you move to another tab.

Pickup Address

This will normally default to the Supplier address however on many occasions this is not where the goods are being collected from, therefore a pickup address can be added.

This is needed if you are arranging shipping OR the country of despatch is not the same as the suppliers country.

Delivery Address

This will populate from the warehouse address table based on the warehouse you have selected at the beginning of the purchase order. It can not be changed directly on the screen


If you are arranging the shipment of the goods you can enter the shipper here along with any instructions. If you setup this shipper with an email address a copy of the purchase order is also forwarded to them.

Right Side Option Fields

If the supplier has provided a Reference, you may wish to enter it in the Supplier Ref field.

Date Required - this will default to the current date however this can be changed by using the drop-down calendar.

VAT Code - This normally defaults to the Suppliers' VAT code, you may wish to change this if you require.

Discount - If the supplier you are using has a Discount this will be applied as soon as you enter the Supplier Code, you are able to change this by using the arrows or entering the amount.

The Customs Duty Paid - it defaults to been ticked - this represents if the Customs Duty has been paid. If the Stock that you are receipting the Customs Duty has not been paid, you will need to untick this box.

This default is because Customs duty is usually paid on receipt by most customers.

Enter any additional Payment Terms - This will auto-populate if Terms have been set up for this Supplier but can be overtyped for this Order.

Exchange Rate

The exchange rate is dynamic taking this information at the time from the exchange rate tables, when you post the invoice it will take the rate at that time.

It is quite normal for the exchange rate to be set once a month, maybe using government provided rate tables and then you would account for the payment fluctuation through the finance system currency settings.

There are occasions though where you may have

  • pre bought currency at a specific rate OR

  • You are being invoiced immediately for a delivery which could be years away from delivery

In either case you should consider using the FIXED option, this will then allow you to enter the exchange rate you want to use and it will fix the invoice posting and valuation at that value and it will not utilise dynamic rate lookup.




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