Create Product

Create Product

Product Maintenance

The form below is used to both add a new product and maintain an existing product(via Navigation). If you are creating a product from either the system product, EDI, or Excel then any details already known will be auto-populated into the form.

Alternative Methods to Add Products

  • EDI Product Code Upload

  • EDI Pre-Advice Entry - similar to the product upload, it prefills the fields it can allowing you to finish off the setup and save the product.

  • Excel Upload - this requires a license

  • Internal Transfers from another customer - will automatically setup the product code when it is part of an internal transfer

Duplicate Product Codes

The same Product Code can exist for multiple Customers in the system but it must be unique for each Customer Code/Site Code combination.

If a Product Code is entered that already exists in the EDI Product Screen with the same Customer Code and Site Code, you will be prompted to confirm you would like to populate the fields for this new Product from the screen


Header Fields

This section refers to all fields which are on the header section of the page and remain no matter which tab you select

Fields are mandatory unless highlighted in gray on the table below.

Field Name


Field Name


Customer Code & Site Code

The customer code field is a selection field where you can press F11/ F12 keys to select the existing customer. Also you can type in the code. The site code is a dropdown field from where you can select a valid site.

The product can only be used by this customer and is unique to their stock holding account.

Product Code

An alpha numeric field for product code. We suggest no more than 20 characters but the field can handle more however much of the paperwork and reports are designed for 20 characters - please avoid using spaces and be careful with symbols as these can provide unusual issues.

Product Description

You can add maximum 50 character description for the product. This will be used all around the system.

Alt Lang Description

This field is for Non-English descriptions, it is not normally in use and is only used on report templates where specified by the customer, otherwise this is not used.

Brand Name

This should be the brand name or the producer of the product, we hold these in a brand table so you can use a lookup and if a new entry is made you will be asked if you wish to add it to the table.

UK Duty Alcohol Reform 2023 : This field will be used to identify producers who may have small producer allowance / certification allowing a lower duty value to be charged.

Country of Origin (COO)

Country of Origin (COO) is the place of manufacture/production.

This is the two-digit country code, you can use the standard search facility to find the code you need. Standard ISO codes are used → https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/l/cp/wh0zpNfK

For a quick glance please see the table given below this table.

Product Type

The product type is a mandatory field and is used to control the type of goods you are storing. It can be used for location put away, picking rules, location restrictions, customer storage authorisations, and it is used to define the type of duty and commodity for the item which allows the duty values to be correctly applied.

Product Types are system setup items, that can only be added or changed by Ontech.

See the table for reference → Create Product | Product Types

UOM (Unit of Measure)

Whilst the majority of storage is Pallet/Case/Single, we have customers storing other items which need different units of measure e.g Hectolitres, litres, centilitres for liquids or Outer/Inner/Carton for tobacco products.

Product Group

This is a key field in the product setup as many of the product group attributes will be applied to the product setup allowing you to standardise, and increase efficiency and speed at product setup. More detail on what this field controls can be found in Product Group


This is used when you are making up a mixed case, it is used heavily in the reworks module. This also provides controls to stop you being able to split a mixed case into single items.

BOM Option switched the BOM decision to ON but you need to let the system know which products will be contained within the BOM by pressing the BOM button option prior to turning it on.

The items in this options are used to

  • define the products used for the REWORK (which can always be changed)

  • print on the customers delivery note a list of the items in the mixed case (if you have a layout using this)


This is the year (Vintage) of the item, if it does not apply, use “NA” otherwise enter a 4-digit year OR if the item is a wine with no vintage enter “NV”.

Archive Product

This is a Checkbox which allows you to archive a product on the system, it will always remain on the system but will no longer be able to accept new goods arriving.


Product Types

This is a selection of codes available, some systems may have fewer or more codes available

Type Code


Type Code







Fermented Products


General Goods (only when the customer is not bonded should this be used)


Intermediate (Cider / Perry)


Low Alcohol Products








Customs Duty only goods (when the product is innocent and the customer intends to record the customs duty status)


Innocent Goods (only when the customer is bonded and the goods are not subject to excise duties)

BOM - Bill of Materials


This option allows you to store the individual components of a pre-mixed product, this is a product which contains multiple different products within.

It is used to provide an exploded product view to the customer on the delivery note.

e.g. Easter Case contains the following……………….

To use this tick the BOM field, which will then enable the Components button where you are able to enter the Components on the BOM Maintenance screen

Once you have ticked the BOM, the Year will change to “MIX”

BOM Maintenance

Add the Products to complete the setup in the system.

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