Flex - Location Move
This section covers everything you need to know about the Location Move process in Flex. Log in to your account in the Flex app. You will reach the Flex main menu screen, where you can find the Location Move option in the blue-coloured button.
At the bottom of the main menu screen, you can see the site code where you will be working. You can press the User Profile icon and choose your site and the warehouse if it's not the right one.
Instructional Video
This video on the Location Move section of Flex will help you learn how you can move stock from one location to another on the same site.
Location Move
Press the Location Move button to enter the Location Move screen. This screen will allow you to Pick Up the stock from one location in a warehouse and Drop it off at one or more other locations on the same site.
We usually move the stock from one location to another when these scenarios come up:
Consolidation of space,
Customers allocation overflow,
Condition reporting of stock,
and replenishment for pick locations.
Pick Up
The Location Move screen will be showing the Pick Up options by default or you can press the Pick Up button on the top left side. In the screen, scan or type in the Location Name, Rotation Number, and Quantity of the stock you are about to pick and move.
After filling in the Quantity field, when you press enter, the Pick button will appear on the right side of it.
Press the Pick button to pick the stock from its current location and take it to a temporary location until you drop it off at a new location using the Drop options.
You can pick as many stocks as you want using this pick option. The details of the stock you picked and waiting to be dropped will be listed in the table shown in the middle of the screen.
On the right side of this details field, you can see an information icon. If you press it, you will be able to find a history of moves performed for that particular rotation of stock and the date and time of each movement with it.
Drop Off
The Drop options are used to put the stock that you have picked from a warehouse location into another location.
You can drop the stocks in 3 ways:
All Rotation (ALL RTN)
Multi Rotation (MULTI RTN)
Part Quantity (PART QTY)
The ‘ALL RTN’ option, will allow you to drop all rotations you’ve picked, into a selected location. This is the quickest option.
When you press ALL RTN you only need to scan or type the location name, where you wish to drop the rotations.
The number of rotations you are dropping will be given in the DROP button. For example: If you picked two different stocks and press the ALL RTN option then the Drop button will appear as DROP-2.
When you press the DROP button all rotations will be dropped in the location you have given.
MULTI RTN will allow you to drop all stock for multiple rotations into different locations if necessary.
Here you can scan or type in the location and choose the rotation from the multiple rotations you’ve already picked, by simply scanning the rotation label or typing in the rotation number.
Press the DROP button, to drop the rotation you have selected in the location you have entered.
The ‘PART QTY’ option gives you even more control over dropping the stock.
Here you can choose a specific quantity from a specific rotation to drop it in the location of your choice.
For example, You can select a preferred rotation from the list of rotations picked then you can drop 2 cases from the 4 cases of that rotation in one location and the remaining 2 in a different location.
Other Useful Notes
Yellow Cloud Icon:
The cloud icon on the top right side of the screen turns yellow from green when the device loses the network connection wherever they’re picking up or dropping off.
In that case, the cloud icon on the top right side becomes yellow until a network is available. When the network becomes available, the moves are uploaded and processed.
Red Cloud Icon:
If you pick/drop a rotation not available in the system, or more quantity than the system knows about, in this case, we could have some failed picks/drops and the cloud becomes red.
You can press this red cloud icon and find your entry that has the error. You can press the entry and the Edit button to correct the data. If you press the Pick/Drop button after the edit the cloud icon will turn green.
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