Payment Method

Payment Method


Payment Method is used when posting Orders from the website, using a Payment Method ID which will map to the correct Payment Method.

If linked with your Finance System, ensure that the “Accounts System Bank/Method ID” set up in this matches precisely with the Finance System to avoid failures during the posting process.

When Vision Commerce is configured to post Sales Receipts to a Finance Software and the Cashbook is in use, it's important to set up a payment method for each cashbook, remembering that a cashbook is necessary for each currency you want to post to it.

The read-only fields will show which Payment is used for the following options.

  1. Pre payment’

  2. ‘Online Pre Payment’

  3. 'Payment on Sales Docs'

  4. ‘Payment on Delivery’

For more information on this please see Payment Methods

For example, you may have a 'Credit Card' payment method, if you're receiving credit card payments in multiple currencies, you will need a payment method set up for each currency, and link each of these payment methods to the corresponding cashbook.


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