Web / Reserve

Web / Reserve

You will need to use this page if you are storing paid reserves for your customer in the warehouse that you control. They are then known as a Reserve customer.

You would specify the reserve warehouse account code that this stock is held in (this is set up in your warehouse setup) and then specify the reserve customer code from the warehouse (this is entered into the ‘Warehouse Alt A/C’ field).

When goods are landed in the reserve account, the reserve account code must be used. You should transfer these using the Type R order to ensure that the value for VAT which is needed when the stocks are removed is used for the duty and VAT Invoice.

Stock held in a paid reserve is still held underbond, but if you place duty paid stock into the warehouse account then the system will know the duty has been paid and it will not charge it again.

Web / Reserve

Your customer paid reserves should not be stored in the same Warehouse account as your main trading stocks.

Trading Customer Stocks

If your customer wishes to trade their paid reserves, this is possible and you can enable this section within the customer setup. However, in order to make specific stock rotations available, you need to additionally set a minimum value against the stock which is accessible in the ‘Reserve Stock’ tab.

The system will produce a report for all sales made of your customer's reserves stocks, this can then be used to enable you to raise invoices for those sales for the commission or the charges/fees that you would impose for such a sale.

You can enter the percentage of commission and specify whether you need it based on profit or sales value.

Also, you can set an admin charge per sales order on this screen.

Storage Charges

Most paid customer reserves require charges to be made for the storage of the stocks, we have tried to keep this very simple and have introduced only a charge per bottle per month or part thereof charge.

Items coming into stock throughout the year would have an annual pro-rata charge raised to take the stock charges to the annual renewal date and at that time you would then be able to run a further year of paid reserve invoices for your customers for the next annual period.

→ This is an annual charge.

→ Stock arriving mid-year will be charged pro-rata for the month they arrived to the end of the year in months.

For example - 26 bottles arrive in March; charge is 0.15 per bottle per month

26 bottles X 0.15 per bottle per month X 10 months = £39.00

Minimum Charge Per Rotation → If the total to be charged is below the minimum charge then the minimum will be applied for the stock rotation when the invoice is raised.

Contact the support team regarding Storage Charges set up before you use Web / Reserves for the first time.

Most customers do not allow annual charges to be credited, but if you do allow this then select this option. The default though is not issued a credit but a credit entry will be made on the next reserve storage invoice.

Web Administration

This section allows you to enable web logon. Provide your Web Logon Account username and password. There is also an option to enable web trading too.

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