Stock Quantity Adjustments
You can adjust the existing stock record in the system, and this feature will also create a new stock record manually without the need for a purchase order.
This option should only be used by trained and authorised users of the system. Use with caution.
Adjustments come in three formats
Reduction of Stock
Rotation stock needs a rotation and we will reduce this record
Non-rotation stock we will always take the stock based on FIFO
Increase of Stock
Rotation stock will be increased if the rotation exists when it is a new rotation the system generates a new record.
Non-rotation stock will always generate a new record which will be the last FIFO entry.
You will need to know the following information to make an adjustment
Warehouse the stock is being adjusted in
Product Code
Quantity of Units and Singles
Rotation number (where applicable)
Unit Cost (this is the landed cost)
Reserve customer (if this is being landed into a reserve account)
Duty Paid / Free Circulation - important for the stock being increased, has duty been paid if so tick the boxes
In addition, there is a notes field where you can keep a note for this adjustment.
The quantity fields are number of units/number of cases e.g. 1 unit and 3 singles could also be 9 singles
When the adjustment is +ve then we are ADDING STOCK e.g. 4
When the adjustment is -ve then we are REDUCING STOCK e.g -15
Pressing the ADJUST STOCK button will immediately make the changes to the stock.
Mixed Cases - You can only adjust the entire MIXED case in this, do not try to enter SINGLES
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