Main Application

Main Application

This page and its sub-pages will give you a brief knowledge on how to use the Vision Commerce application including how to navigate your way around, perform searches, important keys and important fields and how you can utilize the Dashboard that summarizes the important details.

The application screen displayed when you log in to your Vision Commerce account is given below and what each icon, option, and data means is also explained followed by.

The Application will scale with your desktops resolution and scaling settings. For the best results and minimal effect we would always recommend using a scaling rate of 100% and a standardized resolution of either 1920x1080 or 2560 x 1440. On a windows computer you can check this by navigating to your display settings which should be set the same as the following screen shot (resolution can also be 2560 x 1440):

Failing to use these standardized screen setting could effect the way the App looks when you are trying to use it. If you are finding issues with windows or text sizing, please always check these settings first.

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