Intra Vision PO / PA
Stock movements between warehouses using Vision Software are made easier with “Intra Vision Pre Advices”, a free feature for customers with Vision EDI. From orders entered at the source warehouse, the EDI system automatically creates & sends an advanced pre advice message to the receiving warehouse. These provide standard information (as found in PA XML Structure) to make the receipt of stock at the destination warehouse quicker and more efficient. For example, the sales prices are transmitted but extra information (not available in the standard PA message) is also transmitted, such as:
HMRC receipt type
Free circulation flag
Tax & commodity code
Alcohol strength
Best before date
Reserve customer
Destination warehouse
Providing Vision EDI is setup and running along with the Email Monitor Service there’s no additional setup required. If you’re not sure whether you have this or not, please contact us using Requesting Support.
The destination warehouse should send the following information to the source warehouse asking them to complete the necessary setup:
Site Address or Excise ID | Site Code | EDI Email Address |
Include a link to this page to assist them with the setup.
Source warehouse
Vision EDI v4.3.1 or later should be in use in order for the automatic submission to work.
Movements between warehouses use the system delivery address. Modify the system delivery address record for the receiving warehouse, using the information they’ve provided as follows:
Find or create the receiving warehouse’s system delivery address record
Tick the box which states they use Vision Warehousing
Enter their 2-character site code
Enter the email address they use to receive EDI data
Using the feature
Source warehouse
The order screen changes slightly when using the system delivery address setup as described above.
Vision EDI automatically checks for data to send on an hourly basis, between the usual times the system’s configured to generate reports. Orders are sent once they’ve been pick confirmed (& despatched if necessary).
Destination warehouse
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