Carrier Integration

Carrier Integration

Whether you want to connect to a parcel or pallet carrier our carrier module can be used within Vision Warehousing (WMS) to achieve this, in addition if you have Distribution it is also used to generate carrier labels which you send our for your customers.


How does it work - Customers carrier

In an ideal world the customer will send you the order via EDI, this contains details about the carrier they are using, service codes, account number.

The order is processed and then goes directly into the Parcel carrier form.

You select the orders you want to pick, and ask for a consignment number for those orders, when allocated the order then moves through to the picking system for the warehouse to pick.

Depending on your operation you will either

  1. Paper Based warehouses - print the carrier label along with the picking note

  2. eFullfillment warehouses - those using the handhelds for efulfilment can single or bulk pick and then operate a fullfillment area which checks the case, fills it with any free items, marketing, potentially repacks it, seals it and confirms the quantity and at this point a label prints, you can also have tasting notes, despatch note (for inside the case) printed at the same time.


How does it work - Distribution

If you are arranging the transport for your clients through Distribution you can set this up to automatically associate specific deliveries to specific carriers, when the order is loaded onto the system whether EDI or manual it will look up distribution and work out how the goods will get there.

If you intend to send through a carrier network it will place your order into the carrier module waiting for you to then select it for consignment.

It then continues like a normal order and reverts to the same process as customer carrier for picking

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