403 Goods Received


This shows items on purchase orders which have been received.

The report is intended as a chack for items where the invoice and original PO price has changed, or the quantity is different or for those receipted not yet posted or those invoice posted not yet receipted.


Filtering is based on the RECEIPT Date of the stock


No grouping

Date Restrictions

VC Reporting - Start Date / End Date


The values shown on this are from the purchase order lines and will be in the currency of the purchase order, use the exchange rate column to convert non base currency orders to the base currency.


Once you have the records on screen that you wish to see, you can outouyt in the following formats


To refresh the results click the icon

Explanation of fields in the report

Where the contents of a field should be obvious this is not listed on the output shown below

Field Name

Description and Notes

Field Name

Description and Notes


See VAT Rates from within Commerce, generally

S - Standard Rate

Z - Zero Rates

E - Exempt Transaction


O - Outstanding

R - Receipted

I - Invoiced

IR - Invoiced and Receipted

C - Complete

X - Cancelled

Invoice Saved

Will show YES if invoice has been posted to the finance system

Credit Saved

Will show YES by default unless Return Changed is set to YES then this will set to NO and only return to YES when the credit has been saved to the finance system

Return Changed

If you entered some returns this field will change to YES


Will be marked as Y if this record needs to show on the GRN Accrual report.

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