External Sources tab

External Sources tab

The External Sources Tab controls some web options and the integration to Livex. In order for the Livex options to work, you will need a Livex account.



L-WIN Product Code Section

Click the Find Matches button to obtain a list of possible Liv-ex Product Code that match your Product Description and attributes

This will open the LWIN-Interface Screen

Use the screen to adapt your search and click ‘Retrieve’ to start the search

L-WIN Product List Section

If your request found one or more matches, you will see them in this list

A list of possible matches is retrieved, find the one which matches your product and select the line, at this point the item in box 3 will be filled and you can save the product.

If you can not find it then you can try other searches or you can ASK LIVEX where the L-WIN Interface screen will open and you enter or correct the attributes for your Product and click the request button to request a new code, this is performed by email using your email (from your user setup) and Livex will reply directly to your user email.

When you receive this reply you can come into here again and try again and you will see the new entry appearing.

LiveX Values Section

This will update the Price in the Customer Reserves if you are using the Enhanced LiveX option

Once you have an LWin code you can obtain a Livex Value using the button

You will need an appropriate Livex membership in order to retrieve values.

This will return the latest Livex value and these requests will be shown in the Livex Values table at the bottom of the screen which are stored every time you request a value.

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