More Details tab

More Details tab

This tab contains items which are not as important the the items on the general page, and generally used less by customers.

This page contains the following information

Visit other tabs through the following links

Tasting Notes

These Notes are stored with full HTML formatting which allows Pictures, hyperlinks and other HTML objects can be copied and pasted into this window

It is always worthwhile using an external html editor to prepare the information in this field as you can then test it before adding it to the field.

Entering a new Tasting Note

To enter a new Tasting Note you will need to

  1. fill in the written by field

  2. select the Tasting Date

  3. click on the Add Note button.

The editor screen then opens

  • It is possible to use interactive HTML; if you display the notes on a web site, then use HTML

  • If you just want it to go onto plain printed material, simple text is fine

If you are using the CSV web output then be very careful with punctuation and avioid using the following characters -

< > : ' “


Removing an existing Tasting Note

Once you have click on Delete Note, there is no way to retrieve this information, it will be deleted from the database.

Be Careful using the delete note function.



Photos/images can be uploaded in Product Maintenance either individually or using the bulk upload.

Each image will be categorised, we store one image per each category

  • Case shot

  • Single Shot

  • Multi-Single shot

  • Front Label

  • Back Label

  • Additional Label

  • Capsule

To upload simply click on the image type you want to upload and you will be presented with a files menu, select the file and upload.

Once loaded you can see the image on the form, if you click on it the image will load.

Bulk Image Upload

Follow the instructions on the window which is shown below

This allows bulk upload for MANY products in one single load.

Web Options

Web Options - The web options would only apply if you are using the web CSV or web API





Exclude from Web

do not include this product in web extracts

Allow Singles on web

will you sell this product in singles on the web

include if zero stock

include this product in the product output even if there is no stock available.



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