Questions and Explanations

Questions and Explanations

Is there a system used when creating codes for different areas such as Area or Driver Codes?  Should they run in sequence?

Is there a system used when creating codes for different areas such as Area or Driver Codes?  Should they run in sequence?

No, there is no set sequence that needs to be used when creating these codes. They could be anything you wish.


What is meant by an Area Band?

What is meant by an Area Band?

An Area Band refers to the area within which a delivery takes place. There will be a charge for specific areas that deliveries go between.


What is meant by Export Road Runner?

What is meant by Export Road Runner?

There is an external program called “Road Runner”. Ticking this option will generate a file suitable for import into Road Runner.


What is meant by a Customer Area Band?

What is meant by a Customer Area Band?

The customer area band refers to the area within which a customer is situated when arranging a delivery.


What is the difference between Case Band and Pallet Band?

What is the difference between Case Band and Pallet Band?

This is where the charging for the customer becomes pallet related. For example, if it was 55 cases, then anything below 55 cases would use the case band (price per case) and anything above uses the pallet band (price per case).


What is a UID?

What is a UID?

This is the Customer Unique ID number that is generated from the customer's delivery / order processing system.


How do you determine a Delivery Category?

How do you determine a Delivery Category?

This is for different types of deliveries, such as COLL = Collections; OWN = customers own vans and CARR = Parcel Carrier. A blank category is where the delivery is made by the system user. All the others are deliveries but not ones which have to be made e.g. the customer is collecting, so we do not manifest the delivery.


What does Lead Time refer to?

What does Lead Time refer to?

Lead time is the amount of time taken from when an order is placed and when it is delivered.


What is meant by Format Matching?

What is meant by Format Matching?

This is a specific price / rate for a delivery, based on the delivery point. The delivery point is a 6 digit code which is sent to the system by the customer. For example, if a wholesaler sends through an order for Tesco and their delivery point ID is TESC01, then by entering the format of AAAnn or TESCxx means that anything with this format will get a special / different rate to the standard.


What is a Handling Band?

What is a Handling Band?

A handling band is a set area within which a handling process takes place. There will be a handling charge between specific areas.


What is a Manifest No.?

What is a Manifest No.?

This is a number assigned to a list of goods that are due to be carried on a truck when taken for delivery. This number is assigned when creating the Delivery Plan.


What is an RMA No.?

What is an RMA No.?

RMA stands for Return Material Authorisation. This number is assigned if you wish to return an order that has been delivered to you.


What does POD stand for?

What does POD stand for?

POD is the Proof of Delivery confirmation that you must complete when you receive an order that has been delivered to you.


I am receiving an Input string error when opening the Route Planning screen, what is causing this?

I am receiving an Input string error when opening the Route Planning screen, what is causing this?

If you receive the below error this usually indicates that the Depot information has not been set-up or is missing some of the information.

Please refer to the Route Planning pages to ensure your data has been set correctly.



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