This module is an optional module available to all users of the Warehouse Management System.
This module is designed to allow you to replenish stock in ‘PICK’ locations. It currently operates for a single customer only so if you are using it you will have to operate customer by customer.
A multi warehouse customer option was released in July 2024
Customers Tab
The customers tab is added to provide you with the ability to replenish a single customer or multiple customers at the same time.
We would recommend that you consider the pick faces you have and if you have different pick faces for different customer groups then you should run only those in the group at the same time as the information presented can become over whelming.
You can search and select a single customer or you can search within a site / warehouse and then load all customers applicable.
Select the customers you want to consider as part of the replenishment and then press the LOAD products button which then loads all the selected customers products into the Products tab.
Products Tab
This is used to identify products which are going to be used in the replenishment pick locations, you do not have to pick all stocks, it may only be your core range where you require pick locations.
Identify the products using the information provided which shows movements and usage over a period of time along with current stock levels and when re-stocking may occur.
Once you have selected the items you wish to show in the replenishment window you update the records which will store the replenishment marker for the products.
It is also possible to Archive Products which are no longer in stock or in use directly from the above screen, this avoids having to carry this out individually at the product level.
Once you have selected all products that you wish to add, they will show in the Replenishment Setting tab.
Replenishment Settings
For each individual product on the screen you can see basic information for the product on the left hand window.
On the right top box, you enter the location you wish to use for the PICK of this product, at the same time you need to also complete or consider the other three fields.
In the middle section you will be able to see all the other products which are also allocated to the same PICK location.
The RP Cases Qty will be calculated and set by the application when ‘Replenishment Calculations’ is used).
These can then be adjusted before you commit the replenishment and either print or send to the FLEX devices.
The Replenishment Calculations - you can run this for all products that are on this screen or you can be specific with the products you wish to run the replenishment for.
Prod Max Cs = the maximum number of cases for this product which we’ll allow in the Pick Location.
PL Min Cs RP = the minimum amount of cases which we’ll actively replenish (i.e. if we have max cases =56 and 55 in the location) there’s no point going to replenish a single case, so the user can use this field to specify a minimum.
By Layer = If ticked then we’ll round up or down the cases to replenish to the nearest full layer (when Replenishment Calculations is used).
The Pick Location will need to be ‘Pick’ Location Type.
Using with Flex
If performing this manually then you will have to print the PDF report and you can then move the stock using manual input or through flex manual movements.
Output Options
PDF on Email - this will generate a PDF to show all the products that have an RP Cases Qty and where the stock will need to be moved from and to.
Send to Flex - this is currently not available in this release, you should get a message showing the following “New feature scheduled for a future release”.
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