

This module is an optional module available to all users of the warehouse management system.

These forms are for the bottling process of manufacturing where you take the bulk product and you put it into the bottles, sometimes you have too much stock and you may end up storing in larger containers and not labelled, this is called clean skin.

The tabs on the form are described below


What are these for


What are these for


Orders received which are going to be manufactured, a list of items in progress.

Putting Away

As items are bottled you can put them away into the locations and a record is kept.

Clean Skin

If you only manage to part put away and have some left over you can store it in an unmarked container.


When you finish bottling this is where we check the bulk used, the bottles finished and work out any shortages


A record of your historic bottling.


What is the process

Manufacturing Orders (Bottling Orders) when generated provide the system with an approximate usage of bulk and anexpected bottling quantity of a given product.

As finished product is palletised it can be labelled and moved to a location in the warehouse and recorded.

At the end of the bottling process a further confirmation is sent to the WMS this confirms the actual quantity of bulk used and the number of bottles which was output.


The final stage in the process is checking process where the following is checked

  • bulk used to bottles produced

  • bottles produced to bottles put away

Losses in production or gains in production can be checked whether in tolerance and confirmed if outside tolerance and then any adjustments written to stock and at this point the bottles are receipted in the warehouse system and ready for orders.


QA Process

As part of the manufacturing process items are put into QA for a set period and can be released automatically or manually through the system, this ensures that any testing takes place before orders are picked for the stock.




This shows a list of all the pending orders which are held on the system which will be fulfilled through the manufacturing (bottling) process.


You can start the put away process by pressing the START button on the line you are beginning to put away.


This will move the order from this tab to the “Putting Away” tab.


The other fields shown on the form are read only.





Putting Away


Status for the order will show the following:

  • Manufacturing

  • Manufactured  

    • The status will default to Manufacturing until the 2nd XML has been received.

The % putaway shows a calculation based on the Quantity you are expecting to be Bottled.

When you click on a row to highlight it, you will see the Gauge and lower grid populate.

  • This will show you a graphical representation of the Amount of Pallets actually Put Away, compared to the Amount Expected. 

The lower grid is where you enter the location and the amount of Pallets, Cases, or Singles for the Put-Away.

Once you have entered the Location Details, you press one of the following 3 buttons:



Part Put Away

Message displayed will be

If you say yes you are then asked


Button Options






which will save the details that you have entered against the order.

Part complete put away

If you have Not Put Away the Complete Order, you can tell the system that you have Put Away some of the Order. This will then update the VW Order to the Amount you have Put Away and create a new VW Order (with the same Doc Ref) for the Remaining Amount. You will at this point be asked if the Remaining Amount is Clean Skin, answering No will update the record in this same tab, answering Yes will update the record and move it to the Clean Skin Tab.

Fully complete put away

This can only be pressed once the 2nd XML File has been Received to update the record to Manufactured.

Once you have completed the Put-Away, this will update the VW Order and move the record to the Confirmation Tab.

Clean Skin


If you only Part Put Away and said Yes to the Remaining Stock being Clean Skin the Order will show in this Tab.




Once you click Fully Put Away, the record will appear in this tab, where you will need to compare the quantities you have bottled to the quantities expected and then Confirm the figures. 

Confirm - Once the figures have been checked, clicking this will update the VW Order and record and create a Loss/Increase record. The Loss/Increase record will be recorded against the source Location.

Once the record has been Confirmed, you will be able to view it in the History Tab by the Document Reference.

  • You may see multiple Orders for the Document Reference as it may have been part Put Away and created extra VW Orders for the Remaining Amount.




This tab will show all the Orders that have been confirmed.

You would need to know the Doc Ref to use this tab.

The Orders Section shows the Manufactured litres that were expected, the quantity of litres that were Put Away and the difference shows any losses or gains.


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