Sites > Goods Out

Sites > Goods Out

Every system must have at least one site, that site contains warehouse(s), locations, customers, customer products and customer's stock.

The settings for each site are independent, some settings are controlled at the site level only and others can be overridden through the warehouse, location or customer setup.


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Goods Out

This tab is used to set up the Goods Out process for the selected site.

What can you do here……..

  • Set up printing options for warehouse delivered picking and delivery notes

  • Set up and define the collection from warehouse settings.

  • Set up printing options for collection picking and delivery notes.

Please note if you are using Vision Document Generator then the Printers defined here are used to print out the Paperwork required.

Only in the Individual Despatch note you are able to select how many copies that is printed.

Order Defaulting

Company Transporter - Used to link the site to the warehouse company’s own transporter so that when it’s used on an order and a system delivery address is used, the system delivery address ‘Our Transporter Reg’ field is used to default the vehicle registration on the order

You should always ensure that the EMCS entry sent contains the correct vehicle registration, use of this is at your own risk.

Order Validation

Perform Stock Clearance Check - This will allow the site to do a Stock Clearance check, if you are doing an Order that is clearing out all of the customer's stocks it will put it on hold for authorising.

Permit Case Break VCIS Order -

Manufacturing Quantity Tolerance Percentage - This is the Percentage for Manufacturing Tolerance.




Order Processes

Use Simple Order Planning -

Dynamic Duty Stamping - Allows warehouses to record the duty stamp numbers used for orders at pick confirmation. The system will suggest numbers to use based on the stamp number ranges stored in the Duty Stamp Manager, but this is optional and allows the user full control of inputting the numbers they have actually used.

Print Both Carrier and Despatch Label - Tick the checkbox to print both labels for the selected Site.

External Carrier Configuration

Click the button to view the form.

If you are licensed to use the carrier module then you can set up the carrier default configurations through this form.

Some of the fields above are defaulted when they can not be supplied by the warehouse system, some other fields are the default settings for the carrier which can always be changed per consignment or per batch you send to them.

Each customer then has the ability to use the carrier and even the warehouse keeper can have their own carrier account which can be used by the customers (you need to set up a collection charge for this which is quite basic in comparison to the distribution carrier charging).

Collection Group Configuration

This section allows you to configure the Collection Group, you will be able to set up the Lead Hours, Collection Group and Cut off Time for this site. The Collection group will default in the Collection order for this site. 


Clicking on Configure button will allow you to edit the fields. (See below)

You need to use the lead hours in conjunction with both the picking times and the collection times in order to have the pick date calculation correct. For example, If you are both picking from 0900-1700 and allowing collections at the same time then any lead time of 8 hours will effectively provide you with a full 1 working day before collection can occur.

When you press the configure option you will be presented with a screen where you can control:

  • Collection time

  • Whether items can be Individual, or Grouped, and require signatures and signed on Flex.

  • How many copies of the collection notes for Flex or Non-Flex are needed for the despatch?

Each field and its explanation:

Collection Start / End - The collection window you will allow for collections to take place.

Lead Hours - Minimum number of picking hours needed to pick any collection.

Unspecified Time - If no collection time is specified for orders being saved then this time will be used for the calculation.

Coll Confirmation - Whether orders for this collection group should be confirmed despatched automatically at pick confirmation (unticked) or manually using the despatches screen (ticked)

Internal Only - This item is not available on the website, or through EDI only used internally. e.g. Stock Management code used to identify relands.

Signature - When signatures are required, do they have to be Individual (one for each order)/ Grouped (one for a group of orders)/ Can they be signed on flex (e-signature)?

Collection Note Copies? - How many copies of the collection notes do you want? Usually paper will request a signature and a driver copy where as sign on flex requires only a single copy.

Delivery Configuration (excl. Collections)

This section allows you to control the point at which specific Paperworks are printed, and set up the number of copies and the printer.


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