40. Customers
The people you sell your products to
Template Download
Some files contain example data in them, you should remove this before submitting back to us for loading.
Template / Example File
Key Field Information
Further Reading about field types and notes are contained in the expand sections below, expand if you need to know more details.
Data Field Definition
Name | Type and Limitations | Mandatory | CL | Notes |
Account | [varchar](8) | Yes UNIQUE |
| Customers Account Code MUST BE UNIQUE |
Vat | CodeList | Yes | 1 | Generally everything will use |
Country | CodeList | Yes | 2 | ISO 2 digit country code e.g. GB, FR, CA, CN |
Currency | CodeList | Yes | 3 | ISO 3 digit currency code e.g. GBP, USD, EUR |
PriceListGroup | UserCodeList |
| LU | Provide the price list name (this is for the price list pricing e.g. RETAIL, TRADE, PRIVATE) |
AccountName | [varchar](50) | Yes |
Address1 | [varchar](40) | Yes |
| The STREET NAME & Number |
Address2 | [varchar](50) |
| The Building Name / Floor / Department |
Address3 | [varchar](50) |
| Locality |
Address4 | [varchar](50) | Yes |
| Town |
PostCode | [varchar](30) | Conditional |
| Depending on the country |
TelephoneNumber | [varchar](30) | YES |
Fax | [varchar](30) |
Contact | [varchar](30) | YES |
[varchar](50) | Yes |
| Single email address. For multiple contacts use the contact import | |
EarliestDeliveryTime | [smalldatetime] |
| Format is 08:30 |
LatestDeliveryTime | [smalldatetime] |
| Format is 11:30 |
EarliestDeliveryTime2 | [varchar](20) |
| 2nd Set Format is 08:30 |
LatestDeliveryTime2 | [varchar](20) |
| 2nd Set Format is 11:30 |
DeliveryInstructions | [varchar](120) |
PickInstructions | [varchar](120) |
CustomerStatus | CodeList |
| 4 | See code list |
AccountManager | [varchar] | YES |
| The information for this field comes from the customer base setup you sent to us. Use the short code from your list |
Type | [varchar] | YES | 9 | Use Code List, enter code |
Outlet | [varchar] | YES | 6 | Use Code List, enter code |
Area | [varchar] | YES | 7 | Use Code List, enter code |
Source | [varchar] | YES | 8 | Use Code List, enter code |
Division | [varchar] | YES | 9 | Use Code List, enter code |
Classification | [varchar] | YES | 10 | Use Code List, enter code |
PrimaryBankAccount | YES | LU | Use the codes you provided us during base setup | |
SecondaryBankAccount |
| Only if required Use the codes you provided us during base setup | |
WebSite | [varchar](50) |
VATRegNo | [varchar](50) |
ReserveCustomerAccount | [varchar](8) |
| If this customer is storing their reserves at the warehouse, this is the code which will be used by the warehouse to identify the stocks, generally this is the same as the main account code |
WebLogonEnabled | [bit] | YES |
| 0 – No 1 - Yes |
WebTradingEnabled | [bit] | YES |
| Allows the ability for a customer with reserves to offer those reserves for resale through you. |
CreditLimit | [money] | YES |
| Please provide these with existing limit or set this field to be 0.01 |
SettlementDiscount | [money] | YES |
| Unless using this set it to 0.00 for import
PayDueDaysAndTerms | [varchar](30) |
| Only used if we need to setup a finance system account or there is no link |
PaymentTermsDays | [int] | YES |
| Default to 30 days Can always be changed later
InvoiceDiscount | Decimal(18.2) | YES |
| Default this to 0.00 unless being used
OnHold | [bit] | YES |
| Please set all to 0 0 – NO 1 – Yes
Memo | [varchar](2048) |
LineDiscount | [decimal](18 3) |
| Default is 0.00 |
Duty | [varchar](10) |
| LU | Your deferment code at the warehouse If not provided we will fill in from your setup data |
CCT | [varchar](10) |
| LU | Your deferment code at the warehouse If not provided we will fill in from your setup data |
TradeCustomerReserve | [bit] | YES |
| Allows the ability for a customer with reserves to offer those reserves for resale through you. 0 is No and 1 is YES |
DateCreated | [datetime] |
| Enter the date if you know it otherwise it will be the import date |
InSage | [bit] | YES |
| Ignore the name, indicate whether this account already exists in your finance system. |
IsEmailEnable | [bit] | YES |
| Send Invoices via EMAIL Default is 1 -
See Note 3 |
IsPrintEnable | [bit] | YES |
| Printing Customers Invoices Default is 0 |
UseContactList | [bit] | YES |
| Printing Customers Invoices Uses the Contact List email instead of the “export option email” address PLEASE SET TO 0 You can change this later
See Note 3 |
ExportOptionEmail | [varchar](50) |
| Yes | Email Address where to send the invoice
See Note 3 |
ReserveWarehouse | CodeList |
| LU | If this customer holds stock which warehouse code is this stock held in |
CommissionOnProfit | [bit] | YES |
| For Trading Reserves Default is 0 |
CommissionOnProfitSalesValue | [bit] | YES |
| For Trading Reserves Default is 0 |
CommisionOnSalesValue | [bit] | YES |
| For Trading Reserves Default is 0 |
Commission | [decimal](18 2) | YES |
| For Trading Reserves Default is 0.00 |
AdminChargePerSalesOrder | [decimal](18 2) | YES |
| For Trading Reserves Default is 0.00 |
StorageCharged | [bit] | YES |
| Storage of Customer Reserves Default is 0 |
ChargePerBottlePerMonth | [decimal](18 2) | YES |
| Storage of Customer Reserves Default is 0.00 |
MinChargePerRotation | [decimal](18 2) | YES |
| Storage of Customer Reserves Default is 0.00 |
CreditAllowed | [bit] | YES |
| Storage of Customer Reserves Will we credit if they remove part way through a charge year ? Default is 0 |
IsExcludedFromReports | [bit] | YES |
| If this is an internal or staff accounts. Keep this away from margin reports Default is 0 |
FKDeliveryService | CodeList |
| LU | Alternative Delivery Service Setting the default Unless you use this then leave it empty |
DefaultSOAck | [bit] | YES |
| Whether by default we send a SO Acknowledgement after each order, you can always switch this on if needed at order time Default is 0 |
APICustomerID | [bigint] |
| WEB API Where the web api is using this code not the customer code for inbound orders. |
CustomerAlternativeTrader | [int] |
| Optional Module – Unless you use this then leave it empty |
LegalType | [int] | YES |
| 1 – Natural Person 2 – Business |
PaymentMethod | [int] | YES | LU | How will your customer normally pay you. List 20 |
PaymentTermsBasis | [int] | YES | LU | List |
| Notes |
1 | Group Account – if you need to setup a customer with a group finance account this needs to take place after the system is handed over only then are you able to add the value to the field. |
2 | On Hold – has to be set manually by the customer after we go live. |
3 | Invoices by Email Options On the customer account import there are three fields you need to set if you want to send email invoices out to your customer
If you want to use the contact list OR you want to send to multiple customers then please change the following field in the customer contact
And within the customer contact you need to set the following field
In theory if you set the customer to UseContactList = 1 you would not normally have to provide an entry in the ExportOptionEmail however we prefer you to send this anyway |
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