50. Product Price Lists
These are the price lists that customers will generally use, many customers use the product price lists it is not specific to the individual customer. e.g. RETAIL price list or TRADE price list.
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This is only one of the two options of how to prepare this import.
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Key Field Information
Further Reading about field types and notes are contained in the expand sections below, expand if you need to know more details.
Data Field Definition
The price list is usually applied to a customer or group of customers.
The customer will use this price list for the products on the list, and if the product is not on the list they will use the product price.
There is essentially two parts of a price list, the price list header information and then the list of products on that price list with their respective prices.
In order to fill out the spreadsheet correctly each line must have all the fields completed. Every Product in the price list will be on a separate row, the header section for all products on the same price list would be the same.
There is an example in the spreadsheet attached, this is one single spreadsheet for ALL the prices.
Section | Field Name | Type and Limitations | Mandatory | Notes |
HEADER | PriceListGroup | Varchar(20) | Yes | This is the group this price list will exist in and is referenced from the customer import e.g. Trade, Retail, Private are the common group names used. |
Currency | Int | Yes | Provide the 3 digit code for the currency e.g. USD, GBP | |
PriceListName | Varchar(30) | YES | A unique name for the price list, this should be concise short name which will appear in the drop down on the customer setup. | |
PriceListDescription | Varchar(50) | YES | More detail on the name | |
Start Date | Date | YES |
| |
End Date | Date |
| Leave blank is no end date | |
IsPromotional | Bit Default 0 | Yes | Is this a promotional price list 0 = No and 1 = Yes You need to have a non promo price list first to add a promo price list. When we check a customers price list we look for any promo prices before the standard price list and then we fall back to the product price. | |
IsEnPrimeur | Bit Default 0 | Yes | Is this an EP price list 0 = No and 1 = Yes | |
PricesincludeVAT | Bit Default 0 | Yes | We would ALWAYS suggest NO ! | |
WebPriceList | Bit Set to 0 unless otherwise instructed. |
| Will this price list be output on the web csv report 0 = No and 1 = Yes | |
PriceListType |
| Yes | 1 - Range Price 2 - Range % Discount from the Product Price 3 - Range Price Discount from the Product Price 4 - Range % Markup We would stongly advise against using item 4 unless you are sure your prices stored are 100% correct, any free stock (0.00 value) on an order WOULD result in the sales order charging 0.00 | |
DETAILS | ProductCode |
| Yes | This code must exist already in the product list |
QuantityFrom | Integer | Yes | This allows for band prices e.g. 1-9 is X 2-49 is Y and above 49 is Z This always starts with a 1 | |
QuantityTo | integer | Yes | Used with the Quantity from field. This always ends at 99999 | |
DPCase | Decimal (8,2) | Yes | This is the price or discount information for the product.
If you are using price list type 1,3 then it is a price If you are using prist list type 2,4 then it is a percentage
DP is used for all duty paid orders UB is used when the order is underbond or duty deferred
| |
DPSingle | Decimal (8,2) | Yes | ||
UBCase | Decimal (8,2) | Yes | ||
UBSingle | Decimal (8,2) | Yes |
You can also provide the import on a single work book on two worksheets, the first being the headers and the second being the products for each header. If you choose to supply it in this format then the details section should be
Field Name | Field Type |
PriceListName | varchar(20) |
ProductCode | varchar(20) |
QuantityFrom | Integer |
QuantityTo | integer |
DPCase | Decimal (8,2) |
DPSingle | Decimal (8,2) |
UBCase | Decimal (8,2) |
UBSingle | Decimal(8,2) |
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