Shows stock movements in the last 7 days.
Stock movements are added when pre-advices are receipted and when orders are confirmed picked.
Field Name | Notes |
CustomerCode | |
ProductCode | |
RotationNumber | |
MovementDate | This is the date that the movement occurred on the system. For stock being received, there is a warehouse receipt date but this is the date when the stock was on and available to use For stock being desptached there is an orders processed date but this is the date when the order was confirmed picked and in the case of a duty paid warehouse is the duty point. |
StockMovementDescription | |
TotalSingles | |
Cases | |
Bottles | |
OutboundUID | |
InboundUID |
The movements date is in the last seven days
The movements type is one where stock is being added or deducted, payments of duty, warehouse location changes are excluded from this type of movement.
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