VDS Installation

VDS Installation

Fresh installation

If upgrading a previous installation, please refer to the section below first (Upgrading from v2).

  1. Download the Vision Suite Launcher by clicking here

  2. Run the application and follow the installation steps

  3. If the application doesn’t launch automatically, double click the Vision Suite Launcher shortcut on your desktop

  4. You’ll be presented with a login screen, enter your Vision Live credentials. If you haven’t been given these please request them from the support team, see Requesting Support

  5. Once logged in you’ll be presented with the applications you have access to including the Document Scanner, double click it to download and install, the application will launch automatically afterwards

  6. The first time the application loads the scanning tools will need to be installed, this allows us to interface with the scanners attached to your machine. This is required to load the application (even if you don’t plan to use a locally attached scanner) and may ask you for an administrator’s credentials in order to install them, however this will only be required once

  7. Afterwards you’ll be told that the application is unlicensed, follow the instructions given in Vision Document Scanner | License


Thereafter simply use the Vision Suite Launcher icon on your desktop and then double click the Document Scanner to open the app.

Upgrading from v2

Follow the instructions below first, and then continue with the ‘Fresh installation’ steps above.

Vision Image Uploader

This service is no longer required from v3+ as the application itself uploads the documents to the server.

Providing the machine is not used for Condition Image uploads, uninstall the service using Windows settings or Control Panel. If it is used for Condition Image uploads, then use the configuration file (VisionImageUploader.exe.config in the installation directory) to set the ‘UploadPODCImages’ value to 0 instead of uninstalling, then restart the machine.

If the Image Uploader is installed on a central server remember to do the same in order to spare server resources, although it’s not necessary to do this before proceeding to the next step.

If the Document Scanner is used with a network scanner (where scanned documents are uploaded to a directory on the network) and the scan directory is located on a remote site, it’s strongly recommended to change the setup to scan to the local machine instead to avoid unnecessary cross network traffic and waste of available bandwidth.

Vision Document Scanner

Uninstall using Windows settings or Control Panel.



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