10. Suppliers
We need the suppliers as the first file in the import, we need to have these loaded before the products are loaded.
We expect the supplier code to be the same as the one in your finance system.
If you are using most finance systems then either contact name or company name are used to establish a link on the first connection.
Template Download
Some files contain example data in them, you should remove this before submitting back to us for loading.
Template / Example Files
Key Field Information
Further Reading about field types and notes are contained in the expand sections below, expand if you need to know more details.
Data Field Definition
Name | Type and Limit | Mandatory | Code List | Notes |
Account | [varchar](8) | YES UNIQUE |
| Enter a unique code for this supplier, this will be used on the product import to identify this supplier |
VAT | [int] | YES | 1 | Use S for Standard VAT See Code List |
Currency | [int] | YES | 3 | ISO three digit code e.g. USD, GBP, EUR |
Country | [int] | YES | 2 | ISO two digit code GB, US, CH, FR |
AccountName | [varchar](50) | YES |
| Mandatory The name of your supplier |
AddressLine1 | [varchar](50) |
AddressLine2 | [varchar](50) |
AddressLine3 | [varchar](50) |
County | [varchar](50) |
| Provide the Town in this field |
PostCode | [varchar](30) |
TelephoneNumber | [varchar](30) |
| Main Telephone number for the supplier |
FaxNumber | [varchar](30) |
| Main fax number for the supplier |
Contact | [varchar](30) |
| The Main Contact for the account |
EmailAddress | [varchar](50) |
| The main email address for the supplier |
WebSite | [varchar](50) |
VATRegNo | [varchar](30) |
ContactName | [varchar](30) |
| If you have a specific contact you wish to store then you can enter the specific contacts information here, this is their name |
TradeContact | [varchar](30) |
| An additional field if there is an alternate to the Contact name. |
ContactTelephone | [varchar](20) |
| Specific contact details. Only fill if different to the main telephone |
ContactFAX | [varchar](20) |
| Specific contact details. Only fill if different to the main fax |
ContactEmail | [varchar](50) |
| Specific contact details. Only fill if different to the main email |
ContactWebSite | [varchar](50) |
| Specific contact details. Only fill if different to the main website, e.g. an alternative ordering portal as an example. |
NominalAccount | [varchar](8) | Conditional |
| required only if posting by supplier for purchases otherwise will use the default. |
CostCentre | [varchar](3) |
| Optional for posting |
Department | [varchar](3) |
| Optional for posting |
IsEmailEnable | [bit] | YES |
| Send them an email when you enter a PO ? Default will depend whether you have an email address and its in the ExportOptionEmail, if so then this should be set to 1 Otherwise set to 0 |
IsPrintEnable | [bit] | YES |
| Print a PO when you enter it ? Default is 0 But if you need the paper then set this to 1 |
ExportOptionEmail | [varchar](150) | Yes if you are sending the Po via email |
| Is you set the ISEmailEnabled to YES then we will sent the purchase order to this email address. So this becomes mandatory if you want to send PO via email.
What address will the PO be sent to. |
If we are loading the finance system with the supplier accounts then following information beyond this point may be required. | ||||
SettlementDiscount | [decimal] |
| to 2 decimal places. |
PayDueDaysAndTerms | [varchar](30) |
| Text |
BankName | [varchar](50) |
BankAddress1 | [varchar](50) |
BankAddress2 | [varchar](50) |
BankTown | [varchar](50) |
BankCounty | [varchar](50) |
BankPostCode | [varchar](10) |
BankAccountName | [varchar](50) |
SortCode | [varchar](20) |
AccountNumber | [varchar](30) |
BACSReference | [varchar](50) |
ShortName | [varchar](8) |
PaymentTermsDays | [int] |
PaymentTermsBasis | [tinyint] |
PaymentGroupID | [bigint] |
UseCountrySpecificPOAcknowledgement | [bit] | YES |
| Applicable for French suppliers, if set to 1 then they will receive the PO in French. Set to 0 for default |
InSage | [bit] | YES |
| Used to indicate this record is in the finance system. Default is 1 = YES Use 0 if these need to be passed through |
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