20. Producers
Producers or manufacturers are those who make the product which you sell and may not be who you purchase the product from, we need this before we can load the products into the system
Template Download
Some files contain example data in them, you should remove this before submitting back to us for loading.
Template / Example File
Key Field Information
Further Reading about field types and notes are contained in the expand sections below, expand if you need to know more details.
Data Field Definition
Name | Type and Limitations | Mandatory | CL | Notes |
ProducerCode | [varchar](10) | YES and UNIQUE |
| This must be a unique code. - This is also used for the product import. |
Country | [int] | YES | 2 | Use the code list - ISO 2 digit country code e.g. CH, GB, JP, FR |
ProducerName | [varchar](50) | YES |
ContactName | [varchar](50) |
AddressLine1 | [varchar](50) |
AddressLine2 | [varchar](50) |
AddressLine3 | [varchar](50) |
Town | [varchar](50) |
PostCode | [varchar](15) |
TelephoneNo | [varchar](20) |
FaxNumber | [varchar](20) |
EmailAddress | [varchar](50) |
WebsiteAddress | [varchar](50) |
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