Transport Items

This screen is used to create new or edit existing Transport Items.

  • The Transport Item Code should be unique.

  • Check the Vision e-POD Driver field if this Transport Item will be using an EPOD device.

This field must be checked to download deliveries to an EPOD device for this Transport Item.


  • Goods In Transit Insurance Expires - Enter the date that the Insurance Expires for the Goods In Transit

  • Copy of Driver License - Check this box if there is a copy of the Driver’s License. 





  • The routing options for the driver to be chosen and set up to allow for accurate results when using Automated Routing (AR).

  • The Default Vehicle Type is required for the Automated Routing (AR) to accurately work out the deliveries to be loaded as well as the optimal route to be taken for the Driver.

  • The list will populate based on details already set up. See the Add/Edit Vehicle Types page for more details.

  • If any fields are greyed out this indicates that they cannot be amended indicating that this field is not applicable to this vehicle.

  • Any available Service Codes will be displayed here.

    • These can be used to make sure AR is informed that this Transport Item has special traits to be considered for Routing. 

      • Check any items on the list that comply with this Transport Item.

        • Un-check any items in that do you not comply with this Transport Item.



  • Send Manifest PDF? - When the job is finalised the service will poll the manifests and send the information (manifest) as a pdf to the email address if this has been ticked

  • PDF Email Address - The email address that it will send the information to 

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