2350 Transaction Audit
Overview | Stock Transaction Audit This output will show all movements for stock such as withdrawals from, warehouse inwards, addition losses, destruction and adjustments will be included and also HMRC status changes. At the time of output it will provide a complete picture of all changes since the last time the output was run. | |
Filename Convention | SiteCode_CustomerCode_TrsnAud_datetime.<format> |
Limitations | You can only run the CSV (Orders only stock transaction audit) OR the XML (this report). The maximum period for this data is 1 year from the current date |
Last Updates
We will only show entries highlighting changes which are less than 2 years old
Date | Change |
Example Output
Not available
Not available
XML Specification
The following Movement types will be included.
UID | HMRCType | StockMovementDescription |
1 | HO | UK Duty Paid |
2 | EX | Export - EX |
3 | OU | UK Warehouse Underbond |
4 | OE | EC Warehouse Underbond |
5 | CD | Customs Duty Payment Only (no stock) |
6 | DU | Diplomatic |
7 | OD | Other Duty Free Use |
8 | LS | Losses In Store |
9 | WO | Write Off |
10 | TR | Transfer within Warehouse |
13 | GO | Goods Outwards |
15 | CO | Consignment Outwards |
16 | SS | Export - Ships Store |
21 | AD | Authorised Destruction |
22 | LA | Loss Allowed |
23 | VF | NATO/Visiting Forces |
25 | IP | Gains in Production |
26 | LP | Reductions/losses resulting from operations |
27 | YY | Additional Tax |
28 | XX | Excise Duty Payment Only (no stock) |
29 | MF | Manufacturing |
32 | RW | ReWarehouse |
XML Segment, Elements and Notes
Segment | Segment L1 | Segment L2 | Segment L3 | Segment L4 | Notes |
<TrsnAud> | |||||
<HD> | Can be repeated within the <TrsnAud> | ||||
<Stock> | Always appears, only one time per <HD> | ||||
</Stock> | |||||
<GI> | Always appears, only one time per <HD> | ||||
</GI> | |||||
<StMov> | Will not repeat for Goods Inwards movements. Will repeat if there are multiple Goods Outwards Movements for this stock. | ||||
<MoveIn> | Only if inwards movement, once per <HD> | ||||
</MoveIn> | |||||
<GO> | Only if this is a movement outwards, repeats once per <STMov> | ||||
</GO> | |||||
<MoveOut> | Only if this is a movement outwards, repeats once per <STMOV> | ||||
<Transport> | Only included if transport action has taken place, occurs once per <MoveOut> | ||||
</Transport> | |||||
<HMRC> | Only included if the stock is underbond, occures once per <MoveOut> | ||||
</HMRC> | |||||
</MoveOut> | |||||
</StMov> | |||||
</HD> |
Segment | L1Sub Segment | L2 Sub Segment | L3 Sub Segment | Element | Description of Field | Field Type | Size | Notes |
<HD> | ||||||||
<Cust> | Customer Code | AN | 8 | |||||
<Site> | Site Code | AN | 6 | |||||
<PCode> | Product Code | AN | 30 | |||||
<PDesc> | Product Description | AN | 50 | |||||
<PBrand> | Product Brand | AN | 50 | |||||
<Rtn> | RotationNumber | AN | 10 | Format is YY/Dnnnnnn | ||||
<RtnLn> | Rotation Line Number | INT | 4 | Will be blank if this does not exist | ||||
<Stock> | ||||||||
<SVint> | Stock Vintage or Year | INT | 4 | |||||
<SSPC> | Stock Singles per Case | INT | 4 | |||||
<SCPP> | Stock Cases per Pallet | INT | 4 | |||||
<SDP> | Stock Duty Paid | BIT | Stock is 0 = Underbond 1=Duty Paid | |||||
<SCD> | Stock Customs Duty | BIT | Stock is 0 = Customs Unpaid 1 = Customs paid | |||||
<SReserve> | Stock Reserve Customer | AN | 12 | Reserve Customer Code (if exists) | ||||
<SBBD> | Stock Best Before | ddmmyy | ||||||
<SPack> | Stock Packaging Code | AN | 8 | See code list fro your warehouse, we use HMRC codes but they can have different meaning depending on the warehouse description | ||||
<SValue> | Stock Value | DEC | 8.5 | |||||
<SValCur> | Stock Value Currency | AN | 3 | ISO 3 digit currencycode | ||||
<GI> | ||||||||
<GIUID> | Goods Inwards UID | INT | 12 | |||||
<GIHMRCType> | Goods Inwards HMRC Code | AN | 6 | |||||
<PONo> | Purchase Order Number | AN | 20 | |||||
<RecdDate> | Received Date | DDMMYY | ||||||
<RecDelType> | Receipt Delivery Type | AN | 8 | Receipt Delivery Type - see goods received for this code table | ||||
<POLine> | Purchase Order Line No | INT | 8 | |||||
<SAS> | Supplier Account Site | AN | 6 | Used only when the Receipt Delivery Type is TR | ||||
<SAC> | Supplier Account Code | AN | 8 | |||||
<SAN> | Supplier Account Name | AN | 30 | Supplier Name | ||||
</GI> | ||||||||
<STMV> | ||||||||
<MoveID> | Stock Movement ID | INT | 12 | Unique System movement number | ||||
<MoveTypeID> | Movement Type ID | INT | Movement Type UID | |||||
<MoveDate> | Stock Movement Date | DDMMYY | ||||||
<MoveIn> | Only included if this is a movement inwards | |||||||
<GICs> | Goods Inwards Receipted Cases | |||||||
<GISg> | Goods Inwards Receipted Singles | |||||||
<GITSg> | Goods Inwards Total in Singles | |||||||
</MoveIn> | ||||||||
<GO> | Only included if this is a movement outwards. | |||||||
<GOUID> | Goods Outward UID | INT | 12 | Order UID | ||||
<DocRef> | Document Reference | 8 | ||||||
<OrderDate> | Order Date | ddmmyy | ||||||
<GOHMRCType> | HMRC Type of Movement | AN | 4 | |||||
<GOXSite> | Transfer to Site | AN | 6 | If a Transfer order then receiving customer site code | ||||
<GOXCust> | Transfer to Customer | AN | 8 | If a transfer order then receiving customer code | ||||
<GODN> | Delivery Name | AN | 30 | |||||
<GODT> | Delivery Town | AN | 30 | |||||
<GODP> | Delivery Postcode | AN | 15 | |||||
<GODC> | Delivery Country | AN | 2 | ISO 2 digit code | ||||
<GOReqDt> | Booked Date | ddmmyy | ||||||
<GOLine> | Goods Out Line No | INT | 6 | EDI function ability to send a lie number for the order for traceability | ||||
</GO> | ||||||||
<MoveOut> | ||||||||
<GOCs> | Cases | INT | 10 | Units of Cases Out | ||||
<GOSg> | Singles | INT | 10 | Bottles or Single items out | ||||
<GOTSg> | Total Singles | INT | 10 | The total movement in singles | ||||
<Transport> | Only included if this is a warehouse delivery | |||||||
<PlanDate> | Planned Delivery Date | ddmmyy | Only supplied at time of extract if known | |||||
<TPLines> | Delivery Lines | 6 | How many product lines were on this delivery | |||||
<TPTIC> | Total InvoiceCases | INT | 6 | |||||
<TPLIC> | Order Line Invoice Cases | Decimal | 8.2 | This is the line invoice cases, which is a proportion of the total invoice cases | ||||
<TPTC> | Total Charge | Money | 8.2 | Entire order final charge adding all transport charges together | ||||
<TPLC> | Line Charge | Money | 8.2 | The charge for this line to be delivered (TPLIC / TPTIC) x TPTC | ||||
</Transport> | ||||||||
<HMRC> | Only included if the stock is underbond = 1 | |||||||
<Excise> | Excise Duty | Money | 8.5 | Calculated excise duty for this line | ||||
<Customs> | Customs Duty | Money | 8.5 | calculated customs duty for this line | ||||
<VAT> | VAT Element | Money | 8.5 | calculated vat due for this line | ||||
</HMRC> | ||||||||
</MoveOut> | ||||||||
</STMV> | ||||||||
</HD> |
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