Bulk Product Code/Description Changes
We are frequently asked the question, Is it possible to change many product codes at the same time?
The answer is Yes, however, the Vision Support team have to undertake these changes.
If you require this work to be undertaken then please log a Data change request on the RFC queue within the support portal.
First, go to the top right side of the Warehousing screen and click the ‘Create a Support Ticket’ icon. It’s the one in between the Help and Notification buttons.
You will be directed to the Vision Suit Service Desk. Click ‘Request for Change’.
You will be directed to the next screen where you will be provided with different types of change request options. Click the ‘Data Changes(Major)’ option.
In the next screen, you can give the summary, description, attachments or screenshots related to your request. Then click the ‘Create’ button to submit the request to the support team.
We can change and merge products together, although sometimes merging can be problematic when the products do not entirely agree. The process does the following,
Converts existing to new products where the product does not exist.
Where the product exists, it checks the stock on the existing product, to see if it matches the new product settings, if it does, then the stock record is re-assigned to the new code, and the existing product record is then marked as archived.
We will supply you with a spreadsheet of all the existing codes, use this spreadsheet and have your customer fill it with all the new codes or new descriptions for their products.
A test upload will be performed when this is returned, any issues will be communicated with you to see how you and your customer want to deal with them.
We will then agree on a time when the process can be carried out for real.
The following fields can be updated
Product Code
Description of Goods
There is a small charge for this service, it is generally half-day or less to perform a conversion.
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