30. Products
Products are the items which you sell
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Key Field Information
Further Reading about field types and notes are contained in the expand sections below, expand if you need to know more details.
Field Notes
Default will be used unless you enter something in a field marked as DEFAULT
The CL column indicates the code list that this list can be found in within the document.
Mandatory fields are marked on the excel spreadsheets and in RED below
The field names in the import document can not be changed as these are used for matching.
Field Type Information
Name | Description |
BIT | 0 is NO / 1 is YES |
Varchar(50) | Is an alpha numeric field of length 50, this can accept letters, number and symbols |
INT | Is a single number field (no decimals) e.g. 1,2,3,4,5 |
DECIMAL (8,5) | Is a decimal field which can contain 8 before and 5 after the .dot separator |
Data Field Definition
Name | Type and Limitations | Mandatory | CodeList | Notes |
ProductCode | [varchar](32) | YES UNIQUE |
| The SKU or Part number for the product |
LWIN18 | [varchar](18) |
| optional LWIN Product Code |
ProductGroup | [int] | YES | See Code List | |
VATCode | [tinyint] | YES | 1 | Use S for Standard Otherwise see Code list |
CommodityCode | [int] | YES | Use Code List | |
CountryOfOrigin | [int] | YES | 2 | ISO 2 digit codes for the country e.g. GB, US, FR, CH |
FKRegion | [int] | YES | Use Code List | |
FKUnitCode | [varchar] | YES | Default ‘U01’ | |
DutyRatesHeader | [int] | YES | 16 | Use code list |
FKProductStyle | [int] | YES | This is part of the initial import for Product Analysis. You should only enter the name you specified on the product group table. | |
FKProductTypeAnalysis | [int] | YES | This is part of the initial import for Product Analysis. You should only enter the name you specified on the product group table. | |
Vintage | OPTIONS -> | YES |
| The options are |
FKProducer | [bigint] | YES | LU | Enter your producers code here, this is part of an earlier import |
ProductDescription | [varchar](50) | YES |
NonEnglishDescription | [varchar](50) |
| Used for non English character sets |
SinglesPerUnit | [smallint] | YES |
| The minimum is 1 |
SingleSize | [decimal](18 5) | YES |
| Anything not measured should be set to 1 |
UnitsPerPallet | [smallint] | YES |
| Please set to 1 unless you know the real figure |
UnitsPerLayer | [smallint] | YES |
| Set to 1 if not known |
Height | [decimal](18 5) | YES |
| Default to 0.00 if not being used |
NetWeightKG | [decimal](18 5) | YES |
| REQUIRED - Use (Single Size x Singles per Unit) |
GrossWeightKG | [decimal](18 5) DEFAULT ((0)) | YES |
| REQUIRED - General consensus for wine / spirits is cardboard cases are netweight x 1.7 and wood case net weight x 2.2 |
StrengthABV | [decimal](18 5) | CONDITION |
| required for liquids with alcohol |
LitresLiquidPerUnit | [decimal](18 5) | YES |
| Single Size x Singles per unit |
LitresAlcoholPerUnit | [decimal](18 5) | YES |
| Litres of Liquid x Strength |
ContainerQuantity | [smallint] | YES |
| Set to 0 if not being used |
MinStockLevel | [int] | YES |
| In single bottles Set to 0 if not being used |
MaxStockLevel | [bigint] | YES |
| In single bottles Set to 0 if not being used |
MinPurchaseOrderQuantity | [smallint] | YES |
| In single bottles Set to 0 if not being used |
MinSalesOrderQuantity | [smallint] | YES |
| In Single bottles Set to 0 if not being used |
ProductLife | [int] | YES |
| In Days Set to 0 if not being used |
LeadTime | [int] | YES |
| In Days Set to 0 if not being used |
CigarettesPerUnit | [int] | YES |
| required if cigarettes or tobacco If not used set to 0 |
CigarettesSellingPricePerUnit | [decimal](18 5) | YES |
| MANDATORY if cigarettes or tobacco If not used set to 0.00 |
KilogramsPerUnit | [decimal](18 5) | YES |
| Mandatory for Tobacco products If not used set to 0.00 |
PriceIncVAT | [bit] | YES |
| Sales Prices include Sales Tax Otherwise set to 0 |
SalesPricePerSingle | [decimal](18 5) | YES |
| Has to have 0.00 as minimum This is the duty paid sales price of a bottle / single item, generally the highest price that would be paid |
SalesPricePerUnit | [decimal](18 5) | YES |
| Has to have 0.00 as minimum This is the duty paid sales price of a case, generally the highest price that would be paid. |
UnderBondSalesPricePerUnit | [decimal](18 5) |
| Has to have 0.00 as minimum Not used but needs to be 0.00 |
PurchaseCostPerUnit | [decimal](18 5) |
| Recommended Has to have 0.00 as minimum The usual Underbond Buying price of this product per case (unit) If this is not an underbond product then it will be the same as the “duty paid purchase costs per unit” field |
PurchaseCostPerSingle | [decimal](18 5) |
| Has to have 0.00 as minimum The usual Underbond buying price of this product per bottle / single If this is not an underbond product then it will be the same as the “duty paid purchase costs per single” field |
DutyPaidPurchaseCostPerUnit | [decimal](18 5) |
| Has to have 0.00 as minimum The product cost per unit plus the duty element. |
DutyPaidPurchaseCostPerSingle | [decimal](18 5) |
| Has to have 0.00 as minimum The product cost per single plus the duty element. |
WebExclusion | [bit] | YES |
| Web Export flag – on web csv Set to 0 to include this in a web extract 1 will exclude it |
IncludeIfZeroStock | [bit] | YES |
| Web Export flag – on web csv 0 – will not include it / 1 – will include it |
WebSingles | [bit] | YES |
| Web Export flag – on web csv 0 – will specify singles not sold / 1 – specify single bottles will be sold |
VisionSupplier | [int] |
| Enter the unique code for the supplier. If there is no default then this can be left empty |
EANCode | [varchar](50) |
| optional ANA EAN Code |
EANSingleCode | [varchar](50) |
| optional ANA EAN Code |
WhseSubmissionRequired | [bit] | YES |
| Does this product need to be sent to the warehouse in the product extract Default should be 0 |
SORotationMandatory | [bit] | YES |
| Does this product ALWAYS ask for a rotation number when placed onto an order Default should be 0 |
CaseBreakSalesAllowed | [bit] | YES |
| Does this product allow sales of single items from the case e.g. Open the Case Default should be 1 IF this is a mixed case then it should be 0 |
UsePackageQuantity | [bit] | YES |
| Not currently in use Default is however required which is 0 |
ISRetailProduct | [bit] | YES |
| Only set this to YES when the product is not a stocked controlled product. Primary use was for Horizon, it would be a non stocked item which you can sell in ePOS Default would be 0 |
AutoGeneratedProductCode | [bit] | YES |
| Default to 0 As you are providing all the codes for the products |
UseEPOSCaseMethod | [bit] | YES |
| Reserved for Future use with Horizon ePOS solution. Default is 0 |
HasChanges | [bit] | YES |
| Default to 0 |
GrowersAlloc | [bit] | YES |
| Default to 0 Unless you have a specific quantity that you are allowed to buy from the producer |
IsSerialNumberRequired | [bit] | YES |
| RETAIL HORIZON USE Requires the bottle number / batch to be recorded when the sale is made Defaults to 0 |
CarriagePriceperUnit | Decimal (18,2) | YES |
| No longer used Set to 0 |
CIFPriceperUnit | Decimal (18,2) | YES |
| No longer used Set to 0 |
LabourCostperUnit | Decimal (18,2) | YES |
| Used for MIXED product build (BOM) If not used set to 0.00 |
OverheadCostperUnit | Decimal (18,2) | YES |
| Used for MIXED product build (BOM) If not used set to 0.00 |
Delisted | bit | YES |
| Default is 0 Set to 1 if this product is delisted |
UnitorSingle | bit | YES |
| This field is reserved for future use, for the moment please insert a 0 |
PackPrice | Decimal (18,2) | YES |
| BOM Products only, the pack price If not known then use 0.00 or if not used then use 0.00 |
BuyingPriceperUnit | Decimal (18,2) | YES |
| If you have a specific supplier, this is the price you would poy underbond per case for the product in the suppliers currency Enter 0.00 if not used |
BuyingPriceperSingle | Decimal (18,2) | YES |
| If you have a specific supplier, this is the price you would poy underbond per single for the product in the suppliers currency Enter 0.00 if not used |
UPCCaseCode | [varchar](50) |
| optional UPC Code |
UPCSingleCode | [varchar](50) |
| optional UPC Code |
UDFAnalysis1 | [varchar][8] |
| 19 | These are only included with the Enterprise Implementation
These are all values you may have set at configuration time if you wanted additional analysis for your products.
You need to use the code list that you supplied. |
UDFAnalysis2 | [varchar][8] |
| |
UDFAnalysis3 | [varchar][8] |
| |
UDFAnalysis4 | [varchar][8] |
| |
UDFAnalysis5 | [varchar][8] |
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